Tallulah Tuesday

It turned COLD here, it even snowed at Grandma's house in Central Mississippi, so Charybdis decided to spend the day snuggling with me. I told her a funny story about Mommy's first puppy Sir Lass.

Sir Lass was a Border Collie. Did you know dogs can catch birds? See there was this pair of blue jays a male and female and they tormented Mommy's cat Snowball. They pecked her behind the ear every time she was outside in the spring and summer. She had a big bald spot behind her ear they pecked her there so much but they never paid any attention to Sir Lass. So one day when they were tormenting Snowball, Sir Lass jumped way up in the air and caught the male bird in the air and deaded him good. He was so proud of catching a bird that he carried the deaded bird around for weeks until the Grandpa took it away from him.

~Tallulah Skye


Goldie, Shade and Banshee said...

Wow!!! Super Dog!!!

Purrs Shade

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Tallulah - woo look so comfy snuggled there with your furiend. Blue Jays are evil and mean, Mom says they used to swoop down at her head when she lived in Massachusetts. She says she thinks they had a nest nearby.

Tail wags, the OP Pack

Daisy said...

Blue Jays can be very, very mean! When my Mommie was little, she had a small pet turtle. It was outside in it's little cage getting some sun on its shell, and a blue jay came and ATE its head off! My Mommie was very sad.

Alastriona, The Cats and Dogs said...

Oh we thinks that is awful about the turtle. We have heard that blue jays eat other baby birds too. They do seem very mean, but they are a pretty blue color. ~Charybdis

Anonymous said...

What a story. Snowball was lucky to have a hero woofie.

Blue Jays sounds like nasty birds.

PS: The magic word is "poter". That's paws in Danish - very fitting.

Angel MoMo and Charlotte said...

Yay for Sir Lass!

Cat with a Garden said...

Amazing story!