Flowers on Friday

These pictures were taken March 14th. As you can see The Whiskers Memorial Butterfly garden is getting ready for spring. Mommy has put the solar fountain back out and it still works (yeah).

The azaleas have a vine growing in them. As soon as they stop blooming Mommy will have to pull the vine out. She wants to wait till then so she won't knock the blooms off.

The purple verbena is exploding with blooms.

This pink azalea is blooming too. We likes it lots because it blooms all year.


Daisy said...

It must be so fun to watch your butterfly garden come alive with blooms!

Anonymous said...

Your garden is bursting with Spring! We love sniffing all our flowers, and can only imagine all the smells in your garden.

Cat Naps in Italy said...

Your memorial garden is just beautiful! I wish I could come over and chase the butterfiles! Hehehhehe!

Stop on by my blog, the cat is out of the box, er...bag!


Hansel said...

wow those flowers are great! mommeh lufs dem !

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

Furry pretty!

Tank woo fur sharing the beaWOOtiful kholours!


Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

Yer flowers are nice. Ours arent awake yet. Well, we got hunnerds of daffodils, but they allus come earlier than the others.

Millie said...

Nothing has started blooming here yet, so it's real nice to see flowers in other places.