Party at Gracie's House ~ Super Bowl Sunday

We are going to Gracie's for a Super Bowl Party, our beans don't watch football so we don't know much about it, but it'll be great fun to hang out with our friends.

We have been trying to explain the Super Bowl to Fenris, Artemisia actually knows the most about football cause Grandpa loves to watch football on TV.

Fenris asked is a Super Bowl where they have Super size bowls of FOOD!

Artemisia, I thinks it is where they turn the TV on and you hear the beans say bad words when they don't like what they see on the TV and when they do likes what they see they jump up and down and yell. I don't know what was on the TV cause I could only see Grandpa through the window. Sometimes whatever was on the TV must have been boring cause he would go to sleep and SNORE.

Fenris, So what do you do at a Super Bowl Party?

Scylla, well from the commercials it is where you buy lots of food at the store and then you invite friends over to eat it while everyone watches the TV.

Fenris, if it involves food and friends I am so THERE!!!!!!!

Scylla, Did I mention that in the commercials they paint their faces in their teams colors and wear funny clothes?

Fenris, Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!

Don't worry Gracie we will be there. ~AFSS


Brian's Home Blog said...

Oh yea, we will be there...Scylla and I are making plans for the party!

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Good explanations. We asked Gracie if the pups could come, and she said of course, so we are planning to go too. You just reminded us that we wanted to give a shout out for the party too.

Woos, Phantom and Thunder