No-kill shelter founder taken into custody

This makes us very sad. We are purring for all the animals. They are in a lot of danger because there are not very many no-kill shelters down here and if they are taken to the Humane Society they might be put to sleep.
No-kill shelter founder taken into custody - Breaking News -


Angel MoMo and Charlotte said...

Oh no, I am purring for all the animals too! Hope all turn out well. Please keep us posted.

Brian's Home Blog said...

That is so very sad.

HubbleSpacePaws said...

Our purrs go with them, too.

Life With Dogs said...

Saw that on Facebook today. Ugh. :(

Cory said...

This makes us very sad.

Jans Funny Farm said...

This is very sad. No details of what is wrong. But hate to think of 300 animals being killed outright.

River said...

All of us are trying so hard but the economy makes it harder.

Good, they are working on a bill in TN to make animal cruelty a felony. The people who abandon their animals should be charged.

love & wags,