Yes Zona, it is like poison ivy. Mom gets big red welts where the leaves of the plant touch her. We didn't know it could cause itches either when the Mom bought it.
We don't usually go near it so the Mom doesn't know if it would transfer from our fur or not but suspects it would.
Awwwww that's a beautiful bottlebrush!! Me and Charlie love the vivid red flowers!! Awwww your poor mum!!! We hope she's feeling better! Take care
I didn't know that it would caws itchies.
It causes itchies? Oh no! Your poor mom. Is it like poison ivy where if I rub on it and then mom pets me, I can give her the itchies??
Yes Zona, it is like poison ivy. Mom gets big red welts where the leaves of the plant touch her. We didn't know it could cause itches either when the Mom bought it.
We don't usually go near it so the Mom doesn't know if it would transfer from our fur or not but suspects it would.
It is very pretty though!
That is a beautiful itchy photo!
Never heard of the pretty bottle brush either - we could learn so much about gardening from your Mom.
Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
Wow that bush looks beautiful!!!
Interesting! Our Beans do not get itchies from it...they think!
Huh, we dint know that bottlebrush plants could cause itchies! We dont have anny here. Hope yer Mom's itchies dont last long...
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