Artemisia likes to follow me around.
She also ask me for advice about mancats. She wonders why she doesn't have a suitor.
I told her it is because she is to bossy intimidating. The girl pesters the snot out of me sometimes, plus she eats all the food and she is forever deciding that she wants the spot I am comfortable in. But I loves her anyway. But I has to I am her brother. I advise all the other mancats out there to RUN.......
Awww...we think many ManCats would be proud to have Artemisia as a girlfriend.
The Florida Furkids and Angel Sniffie
I think Artemisia is pretty.
Socks - that's what brofurs are for!!!
Artemisia - don't worry, soon you'll have mancats forming a line at your door. You are too far too pretty to be ignored.
We we fink Artemisia is adorable # and if we weren't already spoken for ...
Oh she's a cutie, she will find a suitable Mancat!!!
Socks, I can tell Artemisia loves you! You are a good big brother.
We got our hands full with Zoey too...why are girlcats like that??
Awww I agree with @Furkidsmom...we think Artemisia is just beautiful and so what if she is "intimidating?" She will find a mancat that likes a "take charge" woman!
We just know there is a kitty suitor out there for Artemisia - she is just a very strong woman, and there are some guys who like that:)
Just take good care of her and make sure the right guy makes his claim. That's what good brothers do.
Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
Awww wonderful Socks!! You are being a great brother to your adorable siste Artemisia!!! Whoever wins her heart is a very lucky mankitty indeed! Take care
My mancat Casper does not have a ladyfriend. Since Socks thinks Artemisia is so bossy, Casper would probably be a good match for her because he is deaf. Anyway, Casper feels the language of love goes beyond words, um I mean meows!
I think you two would make a striking couple because he is all floofy and beautiful too :-)
I am sure there is the perfect mancat for her out there.
Hmmmm.. you are perhaps being a tad harsh, Sock. But then again, brothers are not exactly well known for encouraging their sisters to have lots of suitors!
Socks, judging from the comments you may be wrong...looks like the line is forming!
Well all I can say is I warned them. ~Socks
Oh, she is just Most Beautiful! I think she's prolly gonna have a boyfurend (or 12) before long. Besides, brudders never see in their sisters what other boys see. Brudder Ranger still can't believes I have a boyfurend. haha!
Wiggles & Wags,
Artemisia, you are such a that a white tip on your tail? I don't think I realized that! Anyway, you are still quite young...take your time. Play the field. Play with field mice.
xoxo Cory
Artemisia, we just read Casper's post on Cat's Cats blog and can't wait to read your answer!
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