Everyone thank you so much for your concern and the healing purrs, positive vibes and crossed paws you are sending. We really appreciate it. Although the Mom would have appreciated it more if someone had soundproofed the bathroom as I MEOWED Loudly all night. They released me from the DUNGEON (aka the master bath) this morning. I walked right to where my water dish normally is and MEOWED. Mommy went got my food and water out of the DUNGEON and put it back where it belonged and I ate and drank and ate and drank and ate and drank. Then I insisted on going to the Litter Box in the garage. I refused to use the Litter Box in the DUNGEON. Now I am curled up in Mommy's lap while I dictate this missive and she types. All is right with the world. Although I have heard the beans whispering about fortifying themselves with another cup of coffee before they attempt giving me my MEDICINE (antibiotic). I am trying to decide how much of a fight to put up, after all the beans are suffering from sleep deprivation, maybe I should give them a break. Then again maybe not, it'll depend on how bad the medicine taste. ~Socks
PS: Khyra relax the pillow fight didn't cause my injuries so you are in the clear. That pillow fight sure was fun, especially when Artemisia tripped you. She pulls that stunt on Scylla all the time.
Socks, we are so sorry that you have been sick. We do hope that you are feeling better very soon!
Love, uSSSSS
Just a suggestion from my 'rents - you and one of your 'rents on the sofa, have a pillow handy to 1/2 burrito wrap you before the medicine goes down. Less scars. It worked for Rudy - most of the time...
Ah Socks so glad you're feeling better! Mom says she agrees with Parker's burrito plan...
Socks, we're glad you are doing better...but we think you should take your medicine...it will help you.
So good to hear that you are doing well, Socks. But if you want to keep getting food in that bowl, you had best stop being so noisy at night. The humans here really cherish their sleep:)
Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
Yuck, sorry to hear you've been sick, Socks. Taking medication is never fun, but we're sure it'll make you feel better!
Get well soon!
Oh Socks I know how YUCKY foods and waters taste.. when not served in their PROPER locations. And.. let us not even discuss Potty Placements.
Make em suffer... I'm just sayin.
You need to get lots of rest so you can heal up quickly!!!
precious Socks, please get better soon...my Mom and I are worried about you.
(((((hugs)))) to the "beans" too
Caren and Cody
We are purring that you sure are feisty my furriend. That makes us feel better since a feisty cat is a cat on the mend. Be nice and let your beans give you the meds. It's only 10 days buddy.
Hi Socks! We are very glad you are feeling better! We totally understand why you were meowing all night - being trapped in a dungeon is not fun at all! We are glad you are out now. We think you shouldn't fight the medicine too much - sometimes if you are good you get a treat after the medicine.
We're really sorry we missed the original post on your injury, Socks. #1 is simply not attentive when there ae guests in the house. Anyway, we are delighted that you are healing well and have been released from the dungeon.
The Chans
Socks, we really hope you get better very soon! Lots of love, Holly and mom
WHAT! You were injured and you had to stay in the DUNGEON!??! We would have hollered all night too.
Mommy says the easiest way to give a kitty medicine is suprise them with it. Of course that only works the first time. Nine more days to go!
Awww beautiful Socks!!! You are a fighter!! Yay! Me and Charlie are so glad you are now out of the dungeon and on your mum's lap!! We hope you take your meds and feel better soon!! We wish your Beans well! :-)
Take care
Don't be too hard on the beans - they're only trying to help! Medicine is good!
Socks liberation day! Mark your calendars! Glad you are out and about and eating and drinking. Do try to take your medicine and not be a pill about it. Get it? Pill? Oh hardy har har.
::aghast:: We are so sorry that yoo've been sick! Please get well soon.
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