My boyfriend Brian is working on a project to help some feral kitties you can read about it @  Greenville Ferals: Pussycats & Prisoners. 
The Kitty in the above picture is Star, she would like a home so she doesn't have to go back to prison. 

Fenris' girlfriend Sagira is helping her parents out by barking about the 5th Annual Weim & Cheese event they are helping with.
Shea is one of the puppies they are helping find homes for.

Closer to home "American Pickers" from the History Channel is going to do a show in Gautier, MS. The Friends of the Jackson County Mississippi Animal Shelter will be there with  their  adoptable animals. The animals will be at The  Gautier Antique Fair on March 11. 2012  from 9:45 am to 6 pm located at the La Maison Gautier "The Old Place" 2800 Oak Street Gautier, MS

Petey is one of the dogs listed on their website. You can visit The Friends of the Jackson County Animal Shelter on Facebook to find out more about Petey If you are interested in helping in any way please contact FJCASP@AOL.COM with any adoption, foster or sponsor questions or offers!!  The Jackson County Animal Shelter is a HIGH KILL SHELTER, so any animal in their care is URGENT.

~Thanks for helping if you can, Scylla


Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

Scylla this is a Super PSA. The Pickers are gonna be near YOU? THAT is sooooo cool drool. I wonder when that will be on the talking box. I like that show.

hehehe Fenris has a Girrrrrl Furend.

GLOGIRLY said...

That's very exciting about American Pickers!
...we have to say, your photos are beautiful. Your human is very talented with her flashy box. ; )
Katie & Glogirly

Alasandra, The Cats and Dogs said...

Frankie, You should see the nice gift she gave him for Valentines. I am jealous. And boy did he guard those hearts with his life.

Thanks Katie & Glogirly


Brian's Home Blog said...

Thanks for the Meow Out my sweetie Scylla! Lots of good things going on!

Two French Bulldogs said...

our paws are crossed for every buddy
Benny & Lily

Ellen Whyte said...

So sad to hear about pets in pounds. We're purring for them all to get great forever homes.

Old Kitty said...

Yay for handsome Brian, gorgeous Sagira and American Pickers!!! Me and Charlie hope lots and lots of woofies, kitties, bunnies and all pet-able creatures find forever homes!! Yay!

Take care

Sagira said...

Aww..thanks so much for spreading the word about Weim and Cheese. :)