Thanks for our Prize Tuxedo Gang

 Our apologies for being so late putting this up. Mommy misplaced the folder with the pictures in it. We are glad she finally found them. We entered the Tuxedo Gang Hideout Valentines Day Contest and WE WON!!!!! Samantha and the Tuxedo Gang sent us these terrific presents and a sweet card. Fenris loves the laser light, us cats haven't figured out which is better playing with the laser light ourselves or watching a HUGE doggie chasing a little bitty red light. The laser light is really neat cause it makes different shapes our favorite is the butterfly.

And the mouse is so cool when Mommy pulls a string it moves all by itself.

Scylla and Arty are trying to figure out how to pull the string themselves since Mommy is busy taking pictures.

Arty says she will just go find a mouse outside as they are easier to get moving. Scylla is determined to figure out the secret of the string. ~Socks


Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

Oh, those are such lovely prezzies! We just know you will share good! Well, as best you can...

HH and The Boys said...

Congratulations on winning and enjoy those wonderful prizes.

pawhugs, Max

Marg said...

What a great prize package. Glad you got so many great toys.They sure look like a lot of fun. Have a great week end.

Brian's Home Blog said...

Great prizes! I know you will figure it out Scylla!

Gemini and Ichiro said...

Congratulations on your lovely prizes!

Gigi said...

Yeah, sometimes the Humans are handy for stuff like string-pulling, ha ha ha. Nice haul, there, furiends!

Two French Bulldogs said...

What a nice surprise..
Benny & Lily