Thursday in the Garden

 The front flower bed.
 The Johnny Jump Ups, they are a type of pansy. They looked great this year but the heat is beginning to get to them. We don't think they will be around much longer.
 The zinnias.
 And our Gladiolas, they did wonderful this year and we enjoyed them so much.

 Mommy put this pretty iron thing out for the vine she planted to grow on. We likes the birds on it.

 The Dusty Miller and Red Hibiscus, the white and red leaves make a striking combination.

 Mommy really likes this pink flower, it looks pretty with the Dusty Miller too. We can't remember it's name.

Now we are off to make our report to the Society of Feline Gardeners.

Hi Jonesie!!!!!!!

Arty Mouse is still missing. ...........................Purrs for her safe return please.


Angel Prancer Pie said...

The garden looks lovely. Our Mommy likes those glads! So pretty. Purraying fur Arty Mouse's return. xoxoxo

Finn said...

How beautiful!

Old Kitty said...

Your garden is as wonderful as ever!

Artemisia, please come home. Take care

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

The mini pansies are alwasy so pretty. The change in weather pattern is taking its toll here too. Everything is blooming about three weeks too ealy and a lot of the summer pests/bugs are out in full force very early. Mother Nature needs to get her act in gear.

Still wooing good thoughts for Artemisia.

Marg said...

Gosh all your flowers sure are pretty.
We are sending tons and tons of purrs and the donkeys are sure crossing their little hooves as hard as they can, so come on home Arty Mouse. Please, please.

Samantha & Mom said...

We love your Garden!! It is beautiful!! We are praying for Arty Mouse to return to you!!
Lots of hugs and prayers!
Your TX furiends,

Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

Both PURRRRRRRS and Crossed Paws fur Arty to return to us.

I like the IRON Vine!! My mom could even grow one of THOSE.

Sweet Purrfections said...

We're still purring for the safe return of Arty Mouse.

Brian's Home Blog said...

Come home Arty, we miss seeing you in the garden.

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

Yer garden is looking good. Our pansies are fading too. TBT planted wave petunias among them, so as the pansies die back, the petunias will fill in.


The garden is so beautiful.
Still purring for Arty.
