Kitty Kartoons

Visit the Tabby Cat Club to see all us handsome and lovely Kartoon Tabbies. Today is Mommy & Daddy's 25th Wedding Anniversary. Happy Anniversary Mom & Dad. ~Socks

Mommy said I was the most challenging, well what did she expect, it's a Kartoon of ME, Scylla

We sure wish the real Arty would get her butt home, although Kartoon Arty is kinda cute.


Finn said...

Very cool cartoons! Hoping Arty comes home real soon!!

HH and The Boys said...

I love those cartoons... great job.

pawhugs, Max

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

Arty, Arty, Arty, go home please!

Old Kitty said...

Awwww your kartoon selves are gorgeous!!

Arty, please come home!!! Take care

The Florida Furkids said...

Great cartoons!! We hope Arty comes home soon so she can see hers!

The Florida Furkids and Lexi

Cathy Keisha said...

Those are cute. TW tried to do one of me but the program didn't have the right markings. It didn't look like me at all. I hope the people who kidnapped Artie realize how much you love her and will bring her back. xoxo

Terri said...

Happy 25th to the pawrents! The cartoon kitties are very good :)

Alastriona, The Cats and Dogs said...

Cathy Keisha, Mommy had to do the one of Scylla in Photoshop. In fact she photoshopped everybody to make it look like us. What she did is got as close as she could in the cartoon program, saved it then opened it in photoshop to add our unique markings.

We don't think Arty was kidnapped, the person that called to say they had seen someone pick her up kept asking about the reward and didn't know what color the supposed car was, what make it was are what the kidnapper looked like. They also claimed Arty was sitting by the mailbox which she wouldn't do as she NEVER went that close to the road. In fact Arty hardly ever came in the front yard unless she wanted in the house are Mommy was there and she was hanging out with her. Also if you stopped in the middle of our road you would get rear ended so we don't think the person even had a clue where we live. The # they called from was an out of state #. ~Socks

Terri ~Thanks, Alasandra

Alastriona, The Cats and Dogs said...

PS: We did ask about vet's checking for microchips because on the off chance the person was truthful, we wanted to cover all our bases.

Jans Funny Farm said...

Aw, how cute. You can also do a cartoon of Fenris if you want. I remember seeing where you can - list on the sidebar, we think?

Happy Anniversary to your mom and dad. We hope they have a wonderful celebration.

We keep checking and hoping to see Arty is home. Wonder if someone has her inside?

Gemini and Ichiro said...

We like the cartoons. But we admit, a cartoon Arty is just not Arty...

Cat said...

Fantastic avatars!!!

Marg said...

Those are terrific. Well done. Especially the one of Arty. She just has to come home soon. We are sending many more purrs. Try to have a great day.

Avalon's Garden and Mewsings of Garden Cottage Cats said...

We luv your avitarz ^.,^,,, da mom F I N A L L Y ! did owrz ^..^

We still purrayin fur Sweet Arty Mouse and hope she getz her butt home too! :((

♥Happy Anniversary♥ to your mom & dad~

Brian's Home Blog said...

You are my cartoon cutie pretty Scylla!

Jenna and Sissy said...

Our human was wondering this afternoon if you'd seen that other cat anymore or if you trapped him. You were worried he might cause Arty to stay away.

Alastriona, The Cats and Dogs said...

Jenna and Sissy, it started raining really hard so the tuxie cat stopped coming to eat. We hope he found his way back to his home or that someone took him in. We do not know what happened to him.