Thursday in the Garden

The Crystal Palace Lobelia, Fuschia and an Ornamental Pepper. The pepper has really grown since we got it.

This is a Strawberry Scented Geranium.

It has not bloomed for us.

This is hanging Rosemary. Our upright Rosemary does so well we thought we would try it.

A close up of the ornamental pepper.

Mexican tarragon

Another ornamental pepper, I likes the purple one better.

Our Lime Tree has blooms on it.

Pineapple Sage, the Hummingbirds really like it.

A yellow Mum that is still blooming.

I has been faithfully helping Mommy water the plants. It is good exercise and she enjoys my company.

The Trumpet Vine, this one isn't doing as well as some of the others we planted.

Duranta erecta (Golden dewdrop, Pigeon berry, Sky flower), we are going to call it Sky Flower as that is easiest for us to remember. We love it's pretty purple blooms.
Mommy saw lots of them when she was in San Diego.

The flowerbeds down at the Hummingbird Cottage are looking nice.

I love the Blue Plumbago with the Pink Whirling Butterflies.

 And the Purple Cuphea is simply gorgeous. It is doing really GREAT now, I am glad Mommy didn't give up on it when it looked so puny.

Now it is time to make my report to The Society of Feline Gardeners.

Hi Jonesie. ~Scylla

We are dedicating this post to MoMo.  RIP Sweet MoMo...................... until we meet again.


Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

You have SO MANY great flowers!

Marg said...

That sure is a lot of flowers and pretty flowers at that. Someone does a lot of work to keep all those going and blooming so nicely.
Sending tons more purrs to Arty Mouse to come on home. Big hugs to the people too.

Jenna and Sissy said...

Such a lufly garden--would be so much purtier if Arty Mouse was home...

We are still sending hugs and purrs.

Old Kitty said...

What beautiful blooms - a perfect tribute to sweet Momo. Take care

Gemini and Ichiro said...

We loved the tour of your garden.

Brian's Home Blog said...

Beautiful garden and such a sweet tribute to dear Momo. Hugs to Socks.

Two French Bulldogs said...

looks like you really take care of your garden. We sure do love it
Benny & Lily

Just Ducky said...

Pretty garden. Come home Arty Mouse.