Very Inspiring Blogger Award ~Scylla

Katie, from Glogirly: Tails of a Cat & Her Girl,  was nice enough to give me The Very Inspiring Blogger Award. I shall endeavor to inspire you today.

  1. Well first off I went from being a chubby girl, who the vet defended with us chubby girls have to stick together to (sigh) being an obese cat who was ordered to lose weight. I do not take orders well but in the best interest of my health I agreed to try.  I AM PLEASED TO ANNOUNCE I HAVE LOST 1 POUND!
  2. I don't like being bathed but I love being dried off with a towel
  3. Since I have started eating the diet cat food I am more active, I love playing with the laser light the Tuxedo Gang sent us.
  4. I was adopted when I was four weeks old along with Charybdis.
  5. My boyfriend is Brian of Brian's Home, he helps cats get adopted.
  6. I have problems with regurgitating my foods. When I went to the veterinarian Friday my ALT was high (133 U/L 12-130)  my ALKP (11 U/L 14-111) was low and my Na (169 mmol/L 150-165) was high, but the veterinarian isn't concerned about it at this time. Mommy is kinda worried as it seems to indicate something wrong with my liver.
  7. I once caught a hummingbird, I gave it to Daddy and after he showed it to Mommy he let it go. It was OK, I didn't hurt it.

PS: I  just wanted to let you know that Glogirly is a finalist in the 2012 Petties, read about it here. When we went to vote we were very pleased to note that many other blogging friends had been nominated too.


Finn said...

Very nice! Congrats!

Alastriona, The Cats and Dogs said...

Thank you Finn. ~Scylla

Daisy said...

Congratulations on your weight loss, Scylla!

Deb Barnes said...

Wonderful list - we love Glogirly too and are very glad she gave you this great award!!

Deb and the furry Zee/Zoey gang!

Katie Isabella said...

Conga Rats sweetheart. The Vet isn't worried and mom can put it in the back of her mind on hold. Love and purrs..

Frankie Furter and Ernie said...


YOU CAUGHT A HUMMER??? THAT is a hooooog Feather in your Cap.

Marg said...

Congrats on winning that nice award. If the vet isn't worried, then probably you are all right. Good for you to lose a pound.
That was something, you catching a hummer and not hurting it. Good girl. Take care. Purrs that Arty Mouse comes home.

Sweet Purrfections said...

Congratulations on your award.

We can't believe you caught a humming bird. Wow! We're impressed.

Brian's Home Blog said...

Congrats sweet Scylla and I always love reading about you!!!

Cat and DOG Chat With Caren said...


Anonymous said...

Concatulations Scylla! And you go girlfriend with the weight loss. I too am working like crazy to drop 2 pounds. We control my food by measuring ot religiously, only wet food Am and Pm, it has fewer calories and more protein for us cats. And I only get 1/4 c dry as snacks through out the day. And we play lots so I get good aerobic work out. I am 5 years old and weigh about 12 pounds (ok, 13!!!)

Gemini and Ichiro said...


Katnip Lounge said...

ConCATS on your award AND your weight loss, Scylla! Mommy is muttering ugly words here about "whales"...

Two French Bulldogs said...

Congratulations on your award
Benny & Lily

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

Wunnerful awardie! And great responses...