This very scary snake is hanging out by the drainage ditch from our pond. Mommy thinks it is a poisonous snake, she is very scared of it.
She is afraid that once it stops raining and the pond stops over flowing the snake will move up to the pond and be close to the path she and Fenris walk.
Ew. Ew, ew, ew, ew, ewwwww! Our Mommy is all in favor of live and let live, but when they get to close to her or our house, they "get to go see Jesus"!
I wish I could tell what kind that IS! YUK!
Ew , Ew ; ew say´s my mommie too !
She think´s it looks like a Rattle snake or somekind if Viper ??
Eitehr way KEEP your paws away from that snake !!!
We don't know much about snakes, but we hope he decides to relocate very far away.
Woos - Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning
If he has round eyes (no slit pupils), he's non-poisonous.
Always remember that they are not real thrilled to see you, either!
That is rather scary!
OMC! That does look like a dangerous one! we are all about 'live and let live' in this house...except wild snakes. Mom and Dad lived where rattlers came around pretty often...Dad went in the garage to put old newspaper in the recycle stack to find a baby rattler under the papers..that baby is now OTRB...sorry efurryone...but that snake looks like a rattler to us...but then...Mom would call a garden water hose a snake...OK??!! paw pats, Savannah
Holy crap! That is a big snake
Benny & Lily
Yikes! We'd stay away from that!!
It looks dangerius ta US! Fer once, "rattley" is not good.
Oh my. Can't some other humans than yours come and take it far far away?
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