We thinks Mr. Pip is pawsome - and we sure are purring hard for him! We're crossing our paws that the new meds will continue to work well for him!
PIP is one of my LONGEST and BESTEST furends and I am sooooooo worried about him. THANK YOU fur putting this up. I know that some additional Crossed Paws and good Vibes will really mean a LOT to him.
Thinking of Pip
We are sending our purrs and prayers for sweet Pip.
Purrs for Pip.
Thank you so much for your thoughts and prayers! I am so very worried about Tuiren ...hoping she is home safe and sound soon!Your pal, Pip
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We thinks Mr. Pip is pawsome - and we sure are purring hard for him! We're crossing our paws that the new meds will continue to work well for him!
PIP is one of my LONGEST and BESTEST furends and I am sooooooo worried about him. THANK YOU fur putting this up. I know that some additional Crossed Paws and good Vibes will really mean a LOT to him.
Thinking of Pip
We are sending our purrs and prayers for sweet Pip.
Purrs for Pip.
Thank you so much for your thoughts and prayers! I am so very worried about Tuiren ...hoping she is home safe and sound soon!
Your pal, Pip
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