Emmett Kelly, Jr. at the New York World's fair in 1964 |
First I wants to introduce you to Emmett Kelly Jr. He is Mommy's favorite clown of all time. And now without further ado (VBP) I present THE CLOWNS OF BLOGVILLE 2013.
First up we has a REAL ASS...................................BOL, the synonym for donkey is ass, the male would be referred to as a jackass and the female would be called a jennett. OK now that I have bored you with facts lets admire the ASS.
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Joe from Marg's Animals |
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Roo from Roo's Doins |
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Asta from Asta's World |
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Ranger from The Adventures of Ranger ~ The Scottie Pup |
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Zoey aka Squirt The Clown from Zoolatry |
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Cathy Keisha from Stunning Keisha |
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Raz from The Tabby Cat Club |
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Cousin Trooper from Friends FurEver |
Cinnamon is a very talented clown, Cinnamon can balance an ice-cream cone on two balls and eat it before it melts. Cinnamon says it takes lots of practice. I sure wouldn't mind practicing that trick over and over again.
Cinnamon from Cinnamon The Dog With A Blog |
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Easy Rider |
Please give a round of applause to Sweet William The Scot who is our music director for the Big Top. He makes a pawsome clown too.
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Sweet William The Scot |
These clowns came all the way from Texas
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Life From a Cat & Dog's Perspective |
These handsome guys are sure to leave the ladies wanting more....................
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Lassie and Benji from Lassiter Chase and Benjamin the Shelties |
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The Lovely Lily Belle and Muffin from Ahh ~ The life of a Dachshund! And a little bit more.... |
Be sure to come back to the Clown Tent tomorrow to see more clowns but for now head on over to the Circus Blog for the time of your life.
BIG TOP CIRCUS BLOG Only EVENTS ( $1.00 Admission required)
House of Mirrors by ASTA http://astasworld.blogspot.com
Dunk Tank by Puddles http://wethreedoxies.blogspot.com
Contortionists by Mayor Madi http://downhomeinnc.blogspot.com
Carnival GAMES by Roo http://www.roosdoins.com
Fortune Teller by Molly the Wally http://mollythewally.blogspot.co.uk
Kissing Booth by Mayzie & Pip http://mayziegal.wordpress.com http://pipinthegame.blogspot.com
Free Admission
SIDE SHOW Attraction Events... FREE for ALL....
FUReak Show by Beachnut and Shelldon http://sargespeaksout.blogspot.com
Foodables by Chef Sasha http://chicamom85-sassysasha.blogspot.com
Carnival RIDES by Sallie http://romancepuppy.blogspot.com
Stuffie Tamers
Frankie F. http://frankiefurterprice.blogspot.com
Benny and Lily http://www.twofrenchbulldogs.com/
Frankie F. http://frankiefurterprice.blogspot.com
Benny and Lily http://www.twofrenchbulldogs.com/
Our MUSICAL Director is Sweet William the SCOT http://sweetwilliamthescot.blogspot.com
*BOL* What a pawsome show!! Mom isn't a big fan of clowns but we think these guys are just grrreat!!!
Wally & Sammy
Those are fabulous. Looking forward to seeing more. Hugs GJ xx
Cute clowns one and all ... what fun!
I'm so happy Tuiwen is done wif that fiwst tweatment. I'm cwossing my paws that they all go well fow the sweetie. I dooo love all of you in yoow clown caw and seeing all my fwiends embawwasing themselves along wif me, hehehhe. Those awe sum pawsome outfiits and feats of juggling
Smoochie kisses
What a great clown-pawrade! Ranger with a car wow!...
Wow, what a fun and festive bunch of clowns for our circus! Everyone looks great and this really gives the event a big jolt of laughs and smiles! Thanks for all of the work and for brightening up the whole Circus. Great costumes and makeup!!
Grr and Woof,
Sarge, COP
Everyone thank you so much for coming to see the show and a HUGE round of applause for all the clowns who participated in my Clown Tent. ~Tuiren
you know what? I normally do not like clowns but these clowns from the blog-o-sphere were the CUTEST I have ever seen!
TUIREN We are Laffin and LAFFIN and ROLLIN on the FLOOR here!! THESE are the mostest FUNNIEST CLOWNS We have EVER SEEN...
ERNIE was a little Scared at furst and then suddenly he just started HOWLING with Laffter!!!
CLOWNS are the BESTEST... and YOU have the BESTEST OF the BESTEST ones HERE!!!
BRING on the CLOWNS!!!
Hahahahahaha...clowns FREAK my mum out...dats why I LOOOOOVES dis so much!
These is da bestest clowns I has evers seen...I wants one of Miss Asta's balloons...and then I want Easy to teach me hows to juggle.
Oh my! What a great bunch of clowns :D Each and every one of them made me smile! Luv your clown car Tuiren and you commentary tickled my belly - I luv that :)
All our furiends did such a fine job clownin around! Will be such fun to see more of them tomorrow!
Thank you Tuiren!
Waggin at ya,
I am so glad everyone likes my clowns. I thought they were all funny and none of them were scary at all. I has some very sweet clowns lined up for tomorrow so please do come back and see them. ~Tuiren
We are having so much fun with these clowns and we are not even screaming at them. Whooa!!
Benny & Lily
Those clowns just make me giggle.
Sweet William The Scot
That one clown keeps looking at me funny.
It is a bit unnerving.
*Engages in staring match with clown for 30 seconds*
I think I'll take my cotton candy martini and head over to Frankie's Stuffie Tamer tent.
*Eyes clown as he slowly edges out of the tent*
oh my CAT. Kitteh and puppeh CLOWNS! We loved seeing CK in the red nose! MOL!
Goodness what a great bunch of clowns. That was so much fun to see them all. Tuiren, you did such a good job.
I love this post!
Clowns rock!
Glad to be part of such a wonderful group of colorful clowns. *appaws*
Cathy Keisha, I thinks you and your red nose was the hit of the day girlfriend.
Alien, I am very sorry one of my clowns scared you. Wait a minute Alien that isn't a clown that is a tent pole ............Alien don't knock the pole down..............
Picking myself up from under the collapsing tents. Hey elephants, can you lend me a trunk and put the tent pole back up for me. ~Thanks, Tuiren
Those are the best clowns ever!!!
OMD!! Those were FABulous Turin!! I laughed so hard I fell outs of the puter chair!! I can't waits to see tomorrows groups!!
Nice job!!
Hi again Tuiren, Ernie loved the Clowns SOOOOOOO much that he BEGGED to come BACK to see them AGAIN...
I gotta admit it didn't take much to convince me. THIS is soooooo fun. Love them ALL!! They make us feel all Wiggly Jiggly Giggly!
I used to be scared of clowns, but I love these. Asta is so cool and well all of them are super funny and colorful and pawsome. I can't wait to come back tomorrow for more.
Please stop by my tent for foodables and a chance to relax.
Loveys Chef Sasha
Please don't teach Puddles how to juggle, it would be a disaster.
Loveys Sasha
Oh Chef Sasha, rest assured we are coming back to your tent to eat some more. We couldn't get enough of those buffalo burghers.
We might make a deal with Puddles, no beer for a week and we will give a juggling lesson. Somehow we don't think Puddles will take us up on it. ~Tuiren
Fantastic....great roll up.
XXXOOO Daisy, Bella & Roxy
What adorable clowns!!! My assistant has always been kind of scared of clowns, but these cuties all look very nice!
Your pal, Pip
Wowwee! ASTA, can we each have a balloon.
George: I want a blue one.
Gracie: I want a pink one.
Toby: I want a green one.
Lily: I want a red one.
Mimi: I want a purple one.
Mama Mindy: What do you say to Miss ASTA?
All the puggums in unison: PLEASE!!!!
(Each gets handed a balloon by the patient Miss ASTA)
Mama Mindy: What do you say to your friend?
All the puggums in unison:
Thank you ASTA!!
Mama Mindy: Thanks for putting on this great clown event. We loved it very much!! We are very please to meet you Tuiren. :) I wish you much love as you finish up your heartworm treatment and many happy years with your new family!!
Much Luvums,
The Slimmer Puggums & Mama Mindy
What a fun post!!!
wif lubbs from a nodder Texas Clown,
Little Reufus
Fabulous and even a eew aww. Pawsome job and well done.Have a super Saturday.
Best wishes Molly
So many great clowns!!! This is fun!!
The Florida Furkids
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