Mancat Monday

 Editor in Chief Socks here with some disturbing info. Our Mommy is slacking. She isn't taking nearly enough pictures for our blog. She especially needs more pictures of me and the fact that I am using my ninja skills to disappear is NO EXCUSE.  And no Mommy you may not have a day off from posting on our blog. Our friends expect to see us everyday and they expect an entertaining post. AM I MAKING MYSELF CLEAR.  Oh and that Mexican Jumping Bean, aka Mister Who, is NOT allowed to prance around the house. DO SOMETHING WITH HIM NOW. Maybe he would make good fish bait or something. But stop allowing him to distract YOU and irritate the rest of us.

Yes, I know I am sitting on the keyboard and I just erased an entire post. It did not meet my high standers for publishing. Now get to work. ~Socks.


Old Kitty said...

Awwwww lovely Socks! You are a hard task master but you get results!! And treats!! Yay! :-) Take care

Cory said...

Whoa Socks! You are giving your mom the what for! Slacking moms are such a pain...mine has claimed to be too busy more times than I can count on my paws. No excuse!!!

Hope she steps up soon!

Anonymous said...

I think you are a great editor - to tickle the keys is cool ;o)

Alasandra, The Cats and Dogs said...

Thank you keeping Mom's in line is hard work. ~Socks

The Island Cats said...

It's time you put your paw down, Socks. Good job. We hope she gets the message.

Unknown said...

Sometimes you just need to be firm Socks and hopefully you may get the result you were after

Unknown said...

Socks, I suppose all Mom's fall short sometimes, you are a hard one, keeping her on her toes may just get what you want! Meow...

Terri said...

That was pretty tough on Mommy, Socks. We're sure she'll shape up now :)

Gemini and Ichiro said...

The Woman would probably tell us, oh well, too bad so sad. Your own fault!

Marilia said...

I love your socks!

Just Mags said...

Wow, that's tellin' her sweet Socks. We have no doubt you will keep her in line and she will keep those great blog posts and pictures coming. Hugs and nose kisses

Debra Taylor said...

Hey, I hope you don't erase too many future posts! You look great.

Pet lovers please check out my homeless cat blog archives for some informative posts and stories about the cat abandoned/feral colony I manage.
Debby in Arizona

Talk to Your Angels and Pets

GLOGIRLY said...

You are not alone!
Glogirly's been slacking and I haven't been able to visit my friends like I want to.

(must teach Waffles Too how to be more useful)

; ) Katie

Layla Morgan Wilde ( Cat Wisdom 101) said...

Aw, Socks it's only Monday. Have an awesome week!

Two French Bulldogs said...

Socks you better give mom a warning before firing her
Benny & Lily

Kjelle Bus aka Charlie Rascal said...

He He . I LOVE the harsh look you are giving your mom-person :)

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

THATS the way to hold yer Moms nose to the keyboard Socks!


You told her!
No slacking!!!

The Florida Furkids said...

Whew, you're working hard at keeping your Mom in line!!
The Florida Furkids

Rascal and Rocco said...

Go Socks! And mom, better get on it! ;)

Connie - Tails from the Foster Kittens said...

You are one hard driving task master!!