Mancat Monday

That pesky Who followed Mommy to the Hummingbird Cottage. Even with a broke let he is a nuisance.

I help Mommy watch the brat, boy is he energetic.

The azalea looks gorgeous.

I really likes Spring.

The Johnny Jump Ups are doing us proud.

The Rooster Violet is looking good.

These purple flowers are growing wild we don't know their names but they sure are pretty. ~Socks


Kjelle Bus aka Charlie Rascal said...

Me too would LOVE to see some springflowers NOW !
Me don't wan't any moore cold and snow :(

Old Kitty said...

Awww lovely Socks! You are doing a grand job keeping an eye on everyone! Yay! Take care

The Florida Furkids said...

You're doing a great job with your garden!

The Florida Furkids

Cat and DOG Chat With Caren said...

your photos always make me smile, especially when it is STILL COLD here!

Anonymous said...

It's nice to see the spring in your pictures, specially if it is cold outside - thanks!!! Have awonderful Monday :o)

Hannah and Lucy said...

Are you on guard duty Socks?
Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

Two French Bulldogs said...

You are so cute in your little garden
Benny & Lily

Marilia said...

Beautiful garden!!!!
PS.: tomorrow I will let one award to you in my blog!!!

da tabbies o trout towne said...

grate job socks keepin an eye on stuff...N we think de flowers noe one noes de names of iz de

"cranberries...why could thiz knot bee catnip flowerz"

a marvelous mackeral monday ta all !

Terri said...

Lovely flowers, Socks. The daffodils by the complex sign didn't get to flower. We have more snow and cold weather. They are hardy, though!

Pee ess: Glad to see the nuisance Mister out and about :)

Unknown said...

You have a very pretty garden Socks. Are you enjoying being outside? You do look happy! xo

Sagira said...

Looks so pretty there. We are still getting hit with SNOW!!!!!

Unknown said...

Oh! Oh! Oh! Our first spring flowers has appeared! And Dogs is pets!
And has me told yous how handsome yous is?

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

We, isn't it a GOOD THING to have a companion out in the garden? We mean, arent four eyes on the gardening Beins better than two?

Everycat said...

Socks your spring garden looks lovely, we are envious, we seem to be not having a spring this year in the UK!

Gerry & Mungo