Thursday in the Garden with Scylla

Some wildflowers we likes.

The Azaleas they sure are purrty right now. We just loves this time of year.

Scylla is inspecting the Azaleas carefully.

Our Rooster Violet it is a native plant.

The Carolina Jasmine, we has some growing wild on the back side of the pond.

Some very small wildflowers.

Johnny Jump Up they are a type of Viola we grew it from seeds.

Another picture of the wildflower, it is a very light purple.

I likes the fact the Johnny Jump Up is different colors.

 TBT, Ayla, Iza and Marley mentioned how much they like our Flowering Quince, so I thoughts I would tell you more about it. This is an old picture because it is already through blooming.  The BAD - Handling plant may cause skin irritation or allergic reaction and it has spines or sharp edges Mommy hates weeding it because it attacks her. The GOOD - It has purrty flowers and flowers in late winter or early spring. It most certainly blooms in late winter here as it was already through blooming before spring even got here.  It also has fruit (although we hasn't seen any on ours). You can makes jelly from it.  It is a staple of Southern Gardens, we are not sure how it would do in other parts of the country. You can read more about it here.

Now I am off to make my report to the Society of Feline Gardeners.  ~Scylla


Cat and DOG Chat With Caren said...

Our weather is actually starting to warm up and your GORGEOUS flowers/garden make me anxious to see beautiful flowers here in Michigan too! Have a great day dear furiends!

Texas, a Cat in... Austin said...

Such beautiful flowers. Is Spring FINALLY around the corner?

Hannah and Lucy said...

We love violas as they are so pretty - we had some last year and we'll have to see if they're still OK when the snow finally waves goodbye!
Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

Brian's Home Blog said...

I love it when you do the garden tours sweet Scylla, you add such beauty to the garden!

Unknown said...

Mummy is getting ready to get out in the garden and I can get in the dirt. YAY! She says she will post about our work in the gardens, so stay tune.
XO Kitty

da tabbies o trout towne said...

scylla...way awesum garden ewe haz....burd free, nice flowers...grate smells !!

we all sew wanna say haza happee week oh end anda happee eazter az well :)

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Mom loves azaleas but you don't see a lot of them here. Maybe they don't do so well here.

The only flowers we have seen so far are a few dandelions:(

Woos - Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning


Your garden is looking so lovely. Like us you get a jump start with the garden over many of our fellow cat bloggers.

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

TBT here: Ooh, NOW I remember that shrub. There was a "flowering quince" where I lived at 16. I had to weed around it and recall the thorns. Most quince shrubs in the western hemisphere are essentially non-fruiting (I recall seeing 1 or 2 fruits and they were bitter). I'm guessing from very old memories, but the fruiting quince may be a very larger shrub. Dad must have been around an fruiting quince when he was young, because he tried to make jelly from the rare quince fruits we saw (it was awful). Unfortunately, he doesn't remember any of that now.