Mancat Monday & Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Month

I just love the cyclone that Scylla won. It is still my favorite toy.

Mommy left it in here as we do not think Mr. Who can tear it up and I do so enjoy playing with it in here.

I likes to look outside while I play.

And it makes a good pillow when I get ready for my nap. While I am napping I am going to let Mommy blog about our header. ~Socks

As many of you know April is Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Month to show our support for this worth cause we have added an orange ribbon to our header.

Visit the ASPCA's website to find out what you can do.
Top 10 Ways to Prevent Animal Cruelty



Angel MoMo and Charlotte said...

Love that last photo of Socks. Visited a friend's sister's house last week. She has a lovely big tuxi boy named Socks as well. So named because he has 4 snowshoes.

Old Kitty said...

Lovely Socks!!! You look like you are having such fun with Scylla's toy! Yay!!

And big thumbs and paws up for the orange ribbon!!! Take care

Cat and DOG Chat With Caren said...

that is one great toy! Yes the ASPCA is doing super good things!

The Island Cats said...

Socks, it looks like you've claimed that toy as your own!

Samantha & Mom said...

Oh Socks!! You look so cute sleeping on the cyclone!! I'll be right over to snooze with you!!

We love the ASPCA!! They do such good work!!

Marilia said...

I ♥ ASPCA!!!!

Have a nice week!!!!

wildcatwoods said...

Great toy - we gotta get one. We love ASPCA too.

cats of wildcat woods

Two French Bulldogs said...

The cyclone looks like a pretty fun toy. Are you going to share?
Benny & Lily

Anonymous said...

Wow that's a great toy! Even the name rocks! I like names like cyclone, taifune or thunderstorm - they sound like endless fun to me :o)

da tabbies o trout towne said...

socks...that iz one way kewl soooper toy !!! anda grate pillow two !!

oh...N two day we iz gonna eat sum BURD


Kjelle Bus aka Charlie Rascal said...

Socks, You look like you are having such fun with Scylla's toy :)
Great idea with wearing orange by ASPCA !

Katnip Lounge said...

A toy and pillow all in that's a great thing!

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

We are glad ya can have one of yer favrit toys in one of yer favrit rooms Socks!


Socks you keep on playing and having fun!

Unknown said...

Socks! That is a pawsome toy! And wes LOVES your new header!

Samantha & Mom said...

Oh Socks you look so handsome in your pictures today!! I'll be right over to spend the the day with you!! If that is okay!!

Maverick would like to come and play with Tuiren if that is okay??