Thursday in the Garden - Thankful Thursday with Socks

The Wisteria is just lovely.

And the Azaleas are gorgeous, we loves this time of year when they are blooming.

Mommy went to the Pascagoula River Audubon Center and got some Azure Salvia, we are very relieved it survived the frost we had after Mommy planted it.
She got some Coral Bean too, we are trying to use more native plants.

The Roster Violets are doing well.

This is our favorite Azalea, it is huge and very pretty.

We has a purple Wisteria down at the Butterfly Garden.

We thinks this is a Fetterbush. It was growing here when Mommy & Daddy bought the place.Mommy loves it.

We sure do have a lot of yardwork to do.

We thinks of Arty Mouse every time we sees the Wisteria, she loved playing with them.

White Verbena.

It is growing around Whiskers' Grave.


Purple Verbena, Mommy REALLY needs to weed this flowerbed.

Red Buckeye, we are going to wait until it goes dormant in the fall to plant it.

Close up of our favorite azalea.

Butterflyweed from our greenhouse.

Some yellow violets.

Mommy finally got this flowerbed weeded. She always does it first because it is Whiskers'

The lemon/lime tree is blooming.

The Gerber Daisy

The Bougainvillea

We are thankful for all our lovely flowers. I hopes you enjoyed the gardening tour, I am off to make my report to Jonesie. ~Socks


Anonymous said...

I love spring! Lovely tour of your beautiful garden

Old Kitty said...

Awwwww the azaleas are stunning!

We continue to hope and pray for Arty to return home too! Take care

Cat and DOG Chat With Caren said...

your garden is as beautiful as ever. We thought of Arty the second we opened your blog this morning.

Hannah and Lucy said...

Your garden is lovely and Mum is so jealous - we still have some snow in ours!
Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

Anonymous said...

I love your Gerber Daisy! And that azalea is just so big! The garden is just beautiful!

Two French Bulldogs said...

Thank you for the beautiful tour Socks
Benny & Lily

Marilia said...

What a beautiful flowers!!!

Unknown said...

Such a beautiful garden...we enjoyed the tour. Thanks for sharing it! Purrs, Kitty XO

Unknown said...

Such a beautiful garden...we enjoyed the tour. Thanks for sharing it! Purrs, Kitty XO

Terri said...

So many lovely flowers. Your favorite azalea shrub is gorgeous!

I love ANY blue flower. Has your mommy seen a black and blue salvia? It's an annual in our zone.

da tabbies o trout towne said...

socks...yur garden iz AWESUM !!!!!

Anonymous said...

wow that's really a huge azalea... congratulations, it looks wonderful :o)

Cherry City Kitties said...

aaaahhhhhh.... spring! We will enjoy your garden until ours is un-snowy!
Harry, Dexter and Tipp

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

The azaleas are fabulous! We are envious. Ours just dont like our yard. Well, they don't like where TBT PUT them anyway.