Scylla Sunday

I am exploring the dog yard. This is Daddy's make do scaffolding. He put some boards on saw horses to stand on while he worked on the porch.

I likes standing on them.

This is Tuiren's house. Fenris never would use it, but Tui spends a lot of time in here. She seems to like it.

I is checking to make sure Tuiren isn't under the jungle gym.  She is so still sometimes I don't see her. 

Scylla reporting for ATCAD


Brian's Home Blog said...

Hello my beautiful Scylla! You look simply stunning!

Anonymous said...

Happy exploring "indiana" Scylla Jones :o)

Anonymous said...

Good job checking the yard, S. Very thorough. Can't be too careful when a doggie might be camouflaged somewhere tricky.

Love and licks,

Texas, a Cat in... Austin said...

Good job you're doing Scylla! The humans are safe with you =^.^=

Angel Gracie=^o.o^= said...

Looks like you are having a very nice time outside. You have one very nice yard and know your mom has a lovely garden.
Sending hugs and purrs for sweet Socks.

Terri said...

Good job surveying the domain! We're glad Tui likes the house.

A Tonk's Tail said...

One must always do perimeter sweeps of the home - humans simply don't investigate thoroughly enough do they?


Scylla you are doing a fine job of patrolling the yard and keeping it safe.

The Florida Furkids said...

You're doing a great job snoopervising the yard!!

We're sending mega purrs and prayers to Socks.

The Florida Furkids

Little Miss Titch said...

thats a great job on snoopervising Scylla,xx Speedy

Fuzzy Tales said...

You're very thorough in your patrol, Scylla, we're impressed.

Huge, loud purrs to Socks from us!

Cat and DOG Chat With Caren said...

Hi pretty girl!

Katie Isabella said...

Socks, I just read about your tests and I want you to know I AM purring extra extra hard for you. xxxoooxxx

Anonymous said...

Scylla, so glad to see you on the job of inspecting things...someone must do it...and clearly, the dogs are too busy and the humans don't bother...paw pats, Savannah

The Island Cats said...

It's good that you're keeping everything safe at your house, Scylla.

Life with Ragdolls said...

Aww Scylla is one cute girl! said...

Good job Scylla!
Thinking of you all and especially purring hard for Socks.
Your pal Tommie from the TCC
and Maggie

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

Good idea to investigate that place while its empty!

Team Tabby said...

Good time to check the dog yard, Scylla!

We are keeping Socks in our purrs and prayers.


Sagira said...

Exploring is fun

Timmy Tomcat said...

Purrs Scylla!
My is that doggie that quiet? He sure must have learned a lot from you kittahs!

Purrs fur Brofur Socks Too
Timmy and Family

Samantha & Mom said...

Scylla!!~ It looks like you have lots of fun~~ I'll be over to play with you in your yard!

Oui Oui said...

We just popped by so offer our purrs for Socks. We know how hard it is, having lost our beloved Robbie to leukemia. We are purring hard for Socks and all of his loved ones.