Please send Healing Purrs to Gracie & Family

Graphic by Zoolatry
Please purr real hard that Sister Gracie gets well she has pneumonia and coupled with her asthma things are not looking good (she is at the ER Vet). Sisters Sascha, Dolly, and Precious at Brian's Home as well as Brian are all sick to boot (they are still at home) so purr purr purr that they all get well soon. ~Scylla & Family


Seville at Nerissa's Life said...

Already sent some today but WILL SEND MORE. Can never have too many healin' purrs bein' sent your way, I think.



Oh we are so worried...we hope there is good news on Gracie soon.

Terri said...

We're sending hugs and purrs. Jenna is so upset there are so many sick kitties :(

Life with Ragdolls said...

Purr. Purr. Purr!

Ps: did you do something new with your header?

It's been a while since I came here:-(


Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

Done that and keepin up the purrs...

Samantha & Mom said...

Lots of healing purrs for Gracie & Family!
Your TX furiends,

Mom is finally almost done with the new place! I'll be right over tomorrow morning!