Scylla Sunday

 We just love the purple Superbells.

 The red, yellow and whites ones are pretty too.

 I am so happy the Cape Honeysuckle is blooming the Hummingbirds just LOVE it.

 Yep, this picture was taken before the tail mishap. I am glad to report the tail is on the road to recovery. I am looking forward to the hair growing back.

 The Lion's Tail, the Hummingbirds like it too.

 You can't tell from the picture but the blooms feel fuzzy.

 Our Clematis, it is doing really well this year.


 The white roses.

 Once the roses are through blooming Mommy will trim them up. The vicious rosebush is going to get it's branches cut off. Mommy says they will grow back and have more blooms.

 Personally I thinks she should chop it to the ground.

 The Grancy Graybeard.


 Swam Iris.
And Azalea with Grancy Graybeard. ~Scylla reporting for ATCAD


Anonymous said...

Meez vewy glad yous tail is bettew. All da plants and flowews awe bootyful. Weees wuld luv tu hav sum of those lion's tails. Dey's weally purretty.

Luv and Hugs and Kitty Kisses ♥♥♥


Fuzzy Tales said...

Scylla, we're glad that both you and all your lovely flowers are doing so well!

The Island Cats said...

Your flowers are so pretty, Scylla. We hope your tail is healing.

Millie and Walter said...

Scylla we are glad to hear your tail is healing. You have such a lovely garden too.

Terri and Jenna said...

Your azalea is magnificent! Such a lovely garden.

We're glad your tail is well on its way back to normal. Is the cone of shame gone?

Brian's Home Blog said...

Very pretty flowers Scylla and you are always so beautiful. I am sure glad your cute tail is healing up.

Cat and DOG Chat With Caren said...

such gorgeous flowers as always!

Cats Herd You said...

Your flowers are gorgeous, and so are you, Scylla. We're happy to hear that your tail is on the road to recovery.

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

What a beautiful Scylla Sunday post!!! Loving all the flowers and thrilled to hear the tail is healing well.

Woos - Phantom, Ciara, and Lightning

Fur Everywhere said...

You have very beautiful flowers, and we are glad to hear that your tail is healing nicely.

The Swiss Cats said...

Beautiful flowery garden ! We're glad to read that your tail is healing well ! Purrs

Marty the Manx said...

Scylla your mom posted some really beautiful pictures this week. Glad your tail is getting much better!
Marty and Mom

Spike William and Angels China Cat and Willow said...

Such beautiful flowers in your yard. I am so happy to hear that you tail is getting better!

Purrrrrrrrrrrrs, Spike William

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

The azalea is ESPECIALLY bootiful!

And we are all glad here that yer tail is healing.

Unknown said...

Wow, that azalea. I'd like to try this in a container, too. So beautiful.