Thursday in the Garden

The Cleome is so pretty. We really likes it.

The Wisteria are just gorgeous.

The Azaleas are so very pretty.

The Superbells are very cheerful.

We love this wildflower. We talked Daddy into not cutting it when he cut the grass for us.

The Azalea is breathtaking.

The Verbena is pretty even if Mommy didn't get the bed weeded. She is working on that now.

Whiskers' grave Mommy is going to have to redo it as the Golden Globe didn't come back very well this eyar.

The Quince is lovely.

And our very favorite wildflower is the Fetterbush.

It has very pretty pink bell shaped flowers.

And grows by the side of the pond.

We hopes you enjoyed our garden tour. ~ATCAD


Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

We especially like the azaleas, but have to admit the quince is gorgis too (and new ta us).

Anonymous said...

Bootyful fotos and a bootyful gawden.

Luv and Hugs and Kitty Kisses ♥♥♥


Timmy Tomcat said...

Very very nice
We love looking at your garden

Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

POTP fur poor Scylla's TAIL.

Your flowers are ALWAYS so Lovely. Our azalea is just getting started.

Anonymous said...

yes, the azalea is just wonderful. I wish I had such a talent for plants too. have a wonderful thursday!

Misaki @ misadventuresofMisaki said...

Love the azaleas, so pretty :-)

Marilia said...

I love all flowers, speceally the azaleas!

Marilia said...

I love all flowers, speceally the azaleas!

Terri said...

Lovely garden! Your pawrents do a lot of work to keep up the garden. Of course, we know they require lots of snoopervision, too ;)

da tabbies o trout towne said...

guys...yur gardin iz awesum....sum oh R stuff iz still tryin ta dee side if it even wants ta make an appearance this yeer...lotta stuff getted messed up frum thiz past winter....


hay....heerz two a happee halibutt & herring kinda week oh end two all ♥

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Oh, that fetterbush is so pretty. And Mom is just in love with the azaleas! We are all hoping Scylla is doing better today.

Woos - Phantom, Ciara, and Lightning