Tuiren Tuesday #HealthyPet #Seresto

Since I has BAD breath Fenris kindly let me have the Fresh Breath + Plus Dental Treat.

I thinks he was insulting me when he said I had bad breaths.

Mommy said I had to eat all my supper before I could have it.

We got lots of stuff and I was eager to look it all over.

After I finished my supper Mommy gave me my treat. Uh Mommy, could you just hand me the treat, I thinks you might fall on top of me like that.

She gave me the felt toy too, but I wasn't interested in that.

I had a BONE to eat.

I went to work on it right away.

I really really really liked it.

I held it down.

I gave it some good licks. And yeah I left a little kibble in my bowl, shh don't tell Mommy she didn't notice and I wants my TREAT!

I took a break to check out the toy.

I went back to eating it.

I  smiled for the camera.

And I started gnawing it.

It really taste good.

Some more gnawing.

A little bit of chomping.

It's getting smaller.

Not much left now.

Just this tiny little morsel.

And now it is all gone. And Mommy says my breath might have smelt a little bit better.

I also has some good news to reports Scylla has lost weight her current weight is 15.8 lbs. , she has lost another 2 oz. , I am very proud of her.

She has also started wearing the Seresto® cat collar, that kills fleas and ticks. The veterinarian technician put it on for us. Scylla doesn't seem to mind it at all. We will keep you updated on how it is working, it last for 8 months.

 ~Tuiren, reporting for ATCAD


Anonymous said...

Me finks yous wight. Dat wuz not a compliment 'bout yous bweaff. But hey ifin yous got da tweat, hoo cawes Wight?. MOL Yous suwe look like yous enjoyed it. And dat's pawsum news bout scylla.

Luv ya'

Dezi and Lexi

Anonymous said...

Bad breath bones are the best. I get one every day, plus Mom brushes my teeth every night. Whether it helps or not doesn't matter. It's just a treat to me!

Love and licks,

Anonymous said...

Bad breath bones are the best. I get one every day, plus Mom brushes my teeth every night. Whether it helps or not doesn't matter. It's just a treat to me!

Love and licks,

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

Fresh breath is allus good!

The Swiss Cats said...

It looks like you enjoyed your bone a lot ! And if a treat can give you a fresh breath, it's all good ! Purrs

Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

That was quite nice Tui.

Savannah's Paw Tracks said...

WOOT! WOOT!! Way to go girlfriend!! You are coming down!! ANd Tuiren I bet Fenris can't say you have bad breath anymore...

Meezer's Mews & Terrieristical Woofs said...

Nothing like a good treat, nevfur mind the reason you get it...if it tastes good, who cares, BOL!
Glad Scylla lost some poundage...well, ouncies!

Millie and Walter said...

Tui, I can't believe anyone would say you didn't have the sweetest breath. It sure was nice seeing so many pictures of you enjoying your treat.


Marilia said...

Nice photos!!!
Have a sweet Wednesday!

meowmeowmans said...

We are glad that bone was so tasty, Tuiren. And yay for Scylla losing that weight!