Tired Tuesday

The HUMANS say this is my fault.

 Daddy said the carpet STANK and he yanked it up, after shampooing it like a billion zillion times. I am surprised it didn't disintegrate from all the water.

 Mommy said it would be a good time to paint as there wasn't a floor to worry about.

 She decided to turn the blue walls green and volunteered to do it herself.

 But first she had to takes everything down, and wash the walls.

And moves the furniture. Now she is whining about being TIRED and says it is all my fault. ~Scylla reporting for ATCAD


Summer said...

Scylla, humans blame everything on us kitties, as you know, but this is even more out of bounds than normal!

Anonymous said...

All yous fawlt? what did yous do? MOL Weez know all 'bout dat movin' stuffs and havin' paint and new floors put down. And then there's all dat movin' da stiffs back. MOL Good luck wiff dat. Wez just 'bout to get all ow stuffs put away. and weez hope yo not hav to do this again. MOL

Luv ya'

Dezi and Lexi

The Swiss Cats said...

Good luck to your mom, tell her to stop blaming the kitty ! Who decided to make big works ? Purrs

Cat and DOG Chat With Caren said...

tell Mommy no one told her to paint (wink)

Jenna said...

Sounds to me like the humans made all that work for themselves!

da tabbies o trout towne said...

scylla....ther iz noe proof that ewe did, in de past, two day, or may due sum thin two morrow....case dizmizzed

Misaki @ misadventuresofMisaki said...

Well it's the peeps idea to pull up the carpet, just saying...

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

We're not quite sure what ya did, but besides, theres no proof it was you... And the painting is all yer Moms fault.

Meezer's Mews & Terrieristical Woofs said...

We got tired just thinking about it all...wanna come here and take out our carpet? We would love a laminate floor instead, MOL! We love our nice soft carpet though and a hard floor...hmmm how would we enjoy our sunpuddle time?

27 years of kitty furs, barfs, piddles from pups and the ravages of a couple of human kidlets...we need a new carpet or something here too...not gonna happen anytime soon...yawn...

Samantha & Mom said...

Oh my goodness!! No wonder your Mom was tired Socks!
Hugs and kisses,

PS: My Mom has been busy, too!

Millie and Walter said...

Our daddy has been doing some painting and fixer upper type thingys around here too. Hey what happened to Tuiren Tuesday? I, Walter, always look forward to it. {{Sigh}}

Marty the Manx said...

Hmmm, That is sounding very suspicious Scylla. I think it has nothing to do with you at all!

Harvey Button said...

Wow - what a scary lady. maybe she could come decorate at our house??
