Scylla Sunday Selfie

We are having a nip party, would you like to join us? We have lovely nip candies for your sniffing pleasure. And look you got a selfie of me and Socks together to boot. Sorry for the quality, I thinks Socks was a little loaded when he pressed the button. ~Scylla, reporting for ATCAD

We are taking part in The Cat On My Head's Blog Hop

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Summer said...

Cool! I am always up for a nip party!

Kea said...

Wow, that's quite the nip fest! You bet Nicki and Derry would like to join you both. :-)

Thanks for stopping by. I admit I had backyard envy on Friday.

The Island Cats said...

We would love to join your nip party!

Hailey and Zaphod and their Lady said...

Looks like a great party!

CATachresis said...

Nip parties are the best!!!

pilch92 said...

Looks like you are having fun :)

Millie and Walter said...

You two sure are having a great time with that nip.

Cat and DOG Chat With Caren said...

A nip pawty? On my way!!! Love, Cody

Misaki @ misadventuresofMisaki said...

You guys look like you're having a great time!

The Swiss Cats said...

A nip pawty ? Here we come !!! Purrs

Spike William and Angels China Cat and Willow said...

I love a good nip party! You too look like you are certainly enjoying yourselves!

Purrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrs, Spike William,

Marty the Manx said...

We are on our way Scylla! Seeing both of you is always wonderful!
Marty and Ralphie

Meezer's Mews & Terrieristical Woofs said...

A nip pawrty!! You are gonna get company...if we could drive/fly we would be there in a flash!

Fozziemum said...

Yay a nip pawty...sounds super Scylla..and we shall be right over..great selfie..albeit a little nipped on one side MOL..paw pats Dinnermintz xx