Thursday in the Garden

This Azalea is blooming at Grandma and Grandpa's house. Grandma said it bloomed all winter.

Now we are back at our house. Our apologies for not visiting but Mommy is having to move all the plants out of the greenhouse and it is time consuming.

Our Desert Rose is blooming up a storm, we would like to get more.

The Sky Flower is full of blooms.

Mommy re-potted some things.

The pink Verbena found a spot in the front flower bed.

We got all excited because we were able to root a Royal Purple Queen, but alas the original one died so we are back to having just one. We will try to root another one. Mommy didn't see any at the Herb and Garden Fest this year.

Mommy got some Petunias at Fraiser's Nusery for the front.

We love this dark purple one.

Mommy put one of the white petunias in the pot with the pink inpatients.

The Forsythia looks stunning in this picture. We are sads it isn't blooming anymore. It already has it's leaves and won't bloom again until next year.

Mommy planted some blue daze in the flowerbed too.

The Oregano is doing great. Mommy added some lavender to the Herb Bed. The Fennel is looking nice too.

Once Mommy got the Petunia's put in pots she took them to the front porch.

We love our three singing kittens.

Mommy combined Diamond Frost, Angelonias and the Purple Petunias in this pot.

This is our winter container it looks nice all year. It has Rosemary, Lavender, and Petunias in it.

We hopes you enjoyed our Garden Tour. ~ATCAD


Meezer's Mews & Terrieristical Woofs said...

Thanks so much for that tour! It warms our hearts to see flowers that we won;t see here till many more weeks have gone by.
And some that we have not seen here at all, of course we live in a different climate/gardening zone...5b we think.

Julie said...

You do haf the most beautiful flowers, it must be lovely to haf such vibrant colours in your garden, mine is all brown and MUDDY!
Loves and licky kisses
Princess Leah xxx

Anonymous said...

Sweet! That gorgeous last petunia is my favorite. Some colors are just in nature.

Love and licks,

Fozziemum said...

Your garden tours are always wonderful sweeties ! is that Sky Flower a Duranta ? we have very very similar out the front..we had them standard and potted and they started to die a few years ago so we planted them out and now they are almost taking over the front porch :) have a super day in the garden sweeties loves Fozziemum xxx

Unknown said...

Wow how wonderful to see what's been in the greenhouse and what's happening with outdoor plants. What a lovely garden and a lot of work to make it that way too :)

Loulou said...

Live the brickwork and the little arched place for plants.

pilch92 said...

Very nice to see some color. Our forsythia didn't bloom yet.

da tabbies o trout towne said...

guys....we all wayz likes yur gardin toor !!! we get ta see flowerz we canna grow up heer in de land oh frostee .....hope everee thing frum de green houz doez veree well thiz yeer ♥♥♥

The Swiss Cats said...

We always love to see all the beautiful flowers of your garden ! Thank you for the tour ! Purrs

Deziz World said...

Everythin' looks very purretty.

Luv ya'


Alastriona, The Cats and Dogs said...

Yes, it is a Duranta. Ours probably needs to be planted in the yard but we aren't sure if it would survive our winters.

Millie and Walter said...

Your mom sure has been busy planting things. The garden looks great with all those flowers blooming.