Hello everyone, I don't believe it but I am finally getting to do a post. Daddy has been making raised beds for our strawberries out of cement blocks. I don't think he will ever finish between the rain and the unexpected bathroom remodel.
I have enjoyed the warmer temps and the sunshine.
And all the pretty spring flowers that grow in the backyard.
Mommy has been spending time outside with us.
And the kittens often come outside to play with us.
Me and Fenris have tons to do. We have gone walking on the beach a few times. Our last walk got rained out. We were very bummed as the weather was awful and we had to stay inside most of the day.
Our biggest task lately has been catching all the crawdads that have invaded our yard and eating them. The kittens are a BIG help with this job.
~Tuiren, reporting for ATCAD
Enjoy your walks on the beach - we wish we could walk there but it is too far away.
You're looking great in the sunshine, T. Do you eat the crawdaddy shells and all??? They look crunchy...
Love and licks,
It's nice to see you, Tuiren! Crawdad catching sounds like fun.
Oohhh... I shall have to mention this to the peep. Every year the peep starts some strawberry plants and every year she... well... FAILS. She seems to have a strawberry growing mental block or something. Maybe your idea would work for her. Like I said, I'll tell her all about it.
OMD TUI... FRESH CAUGHT Crawdads are DELICIOUS, aren't they? You are sooooo lucky to have a bunch of them ...readily available.
If I had crawdads in my yard, I would never go outside.
Oh Tui! How wonderful to have a Tuiren Tuesday for a change! You look so pretty in all your pictures. I bet it would be so fun to go crawdad hunting with you. We don't have anything like that in our yard.
Yours truly,
You are looking wonderful, Tuiren. We would love to be able to walk on a beach too. Hope you see a lot more sunny days ahead.
Woos - Ciara and Lightning
We hope you have lots of sunshine for walkies. We finally have sunshine today.
Crawdads don't stand a chance in your yard with the kittens and you two after them!
You're eating crawdads? We never ate one before! Does it taste like chicken?
Your Pals,
Murphy & Stanley
Oh, Tuiren, I have missed you. With that cute kitty around, you sort of took back seat for awhile. Nice to see your sweet face again.
Catching crawdads looks like fun ! Are they tasty ? Purrs
Tuiren good to see you! Haven't seen you in ages! DakotasDen
How nice to see you and Fenris today!
I am not sure if I would want to eat a crawdad...growlmy fur sure says no thanks, BOL!
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