Here I am teaching the stick some manners. Please note that even though I spend a lot of my time out doors I have a fenced in yard to protect me and lots of shade. It is very important to make sure your fur friends have shade in this hot weather.
It is very hard work as sticks do not listen very well. Maybe they need ears.
Now I am going to visit Mommy. As you can see I also have a nice porch to protect me from the elements. What you can't see is the ceiling fans that are going like ninety miles an hour to keep me cool and the 3 gallon water bowl that Mommy makes sure is full of fresh water every day. It is very important to make sure we have enough cool fresh water to drink in hot weather.
Score I found an unoccupied hole to sit in. As you can see Yin is in the really deep one. Digging holes is one way your cats and dogs stay cool in the summer and warm in the winter. So try not to get too annoyed with us.
Now according to Yin and Tui I photo bombed their photo, but I am pretty sure Mommy was trying to take a picture of my tail.
Before I go I want to tell you about a very real danger to pets during this hot weather being left in a hot car. Mostly it's dogs that get left in hot cars but this applies to cats too so listen up people. A car can become as hot as an oven very quickly and your pet can get heat stroke and DIE from being left in a hot car. You also need to make sure your pet is restrained whenever you have them in a vehicle so they don't cause an accident. When Tuiren and I go for car rides we wear harnesses and we are attached to a tie down in the back of the car. We have plenty of room to lay down and we can look out the window, but we can't get up front and distract Mommy. The cats ride in comfy carriers that keep them safe. For more information about Pets in Vehicles please visit the AVMA's website.
~Fenris, reporting for ATCAD
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I don't understand how ANY human can think it's okay to ever leave a pet in a car, ever. When we travel by car, my human takes me along for restroom and snack stops, always! If any of the gas station convenience shops have a problem with this (and they never have), too bad!
I nefer get left on my own in the car.....sumthingy to do wiv the peeps not trusting me....I've been watching really closely, I'm sure I could drive just as well as the peeps do!
Loves and licky kisses
Princess Leah xxx
Great tips, F. Mom always makes me wear my harness/seatbelt in the back seat of the car. We see lots of doggies riding on the driver's lap. I guess they never heard how dangerous airbags can be. Yikes. I hope they read this.
I think it is very rude of Yin and Tui to photobomb YOUR tail photo!
Love and licks,
I ride in the car in my traveling apartment (otherwise known as kitty-carrier-prison) and mama and papa takes turns at pit stops and they eat sandwiches in the car with me to make the trip go faster for all of us. Usually not more than 6 hours.
You are so correct about STICKS... they are like Squirrels... Stupid and Slow Witted and stubborn. You did a super job of Teaching that one.
Excellent post, Fenris. And, we are glad you said that about cars and the heat. Too many fur-friends and people get hurt.
Great information! You are set up to enjoy the heat, Fenris. I am amazed that people never learn it is not okay to leave animals in the car--even on a mild day, much less a warm one.
Such very important information you have shared today, Fenris. We loved seeing your beautiful fluffy tail:) We don't stay outside much in this hot weather but we do love a bucket of really cold and fresh water!!!
Woos - Ciara and Lightning
Super post. We can't understand why anyone would take their pet out in the heat at all....much less to leave them in a car.
The Florida Furkids
I will never, ever, EVER understand why some peeps insist upon takin' their pets for rides and then leaving 'em in the car. I mean.... MOUSES! Don't they realize how dangerous that is? Again I must say, MOUSES!
I will never, ever, EVER understand why some peeps insist upon takin' their pets for rides and then leaving 'em in the car. I mean.... MOUSES! Don't they realize how dangerous that is? Again I must say, MOUSES!
At the beignning of the summer, TW and Pop heard a dog barking in the supermarket parking lot. TW ran back into the market and axed the manager to page the owner. Luckily he came right out before TW had to call the cops. Now she doesn't go out without flyers about how hot cars can get. Thank you for being the change.
I have never understood why people think leaving a dog or cat unattended in a hot car is OK - it boggles my mind.
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