Friday Fun with Chimera

I love to play with rugs.

Mommy says I am very limber.

First the bathtub broke and that project is still ongoing. It sure does take humans a long time to fix stuff. But then the dryer broke. Daddy decided to just buy a new one. I likes this one as you can see inside.

The clothes go round and round.

Then the old fountain stopped working so Mommy bought us a stainless steel one to replace the plastic 360. Luckily she was able to fix the ceramic fountain when it stopped working. It is our favorite.

I like the new fountain.

I like the rug we has for our water and food in the garage.

And I like the new dryer. ~Chimera, reporting for ATCAD


Little Miss Titch said...

looks like you're doing kitty Yoga Chimera,xx Speedy

Summer said...

I love your new fountain!

Mickey's Musings said...

Lots of things in your home to keep you entertained Chimera L(
Purrs Georgia and Julie,
Treasure and JJ

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

We love to see a day around the house with out friends!

Louisette said...

Cool , lovely photos Happy Weekend Summer with dogs ,greeting from Belgium

The Swiss Cats said...

You have a lot of interesting things in your house, Chimera. Purrs

Anonymous said...

I'm getting the feeling that you really REALLY like that dryer, Chi. That round and round can be hypnotic.

Love and licks,

The Island Cats said...

You got a lot of new stuff in your house, Chimera. That dryer is like watching TV.

Millie and Walter said...

That new dryer sure keeps you entertained.

Rascal and Rocco said...

Good thing they have you to snoopervise. Maybe it'll get them fixing faster.