Remember Me Thursday #RememberTheRescue #RememberMeThursday #mommakatssearch

Today is such a big day around blogville everyone is Remembering the Rescue, not just of their own pets but of all the cats, dogs and various other animals in shelters and foster homes waiting to find a forever family. We are very sad that not all the animals searching for homes find them and that some perfectly healthy animals are destroyed in shelters. Many of you remember that Tuiren found US, for those of you unfamiliar with her story we encourage you to visit Real Rescue Dogs Are Talking… where the lovely Savannah of Savannah's Paw Tracks interviewed her. She woofed all about being found and dealing with Heartworms.

We are all rescues here. Mommy found Fenris on When we were looking for a doggie we posted The Purrfect Doggie For Us telling what we were looking for. Fenris meet out requirements to a T.

This is one of the first pictures Mommy took of him when she brought him home Feb. 9, 2009. As you can see he has changed a LOT.

Baby Chimera
Socks and Chimera both came from Grandma and Grandpa's house.  Most of you probably remember Chimera's story but if you don't remember you can read I Got Found here. 

Socks' story isn't as scary as Chimera's but you can read it here along with Arty Mouses'

Scylla and Charybdis came to us as bottle babies. Mommy and Daddy are foster failures. You can read their story here. Sadly Charybdis is no longer with us, but Scylla is thrilled with the addition of the kittens.

Yin and Yang were also bottle babies that we were just fostering. "PINK PAWZ Spay & Neuter" is helping to spay and neuter the feral cat colony they came from.  Socks tells how Yin and Yang came to live with us here.

Please put your paws together for all the animals that are still looking for a home and if you have room in your homes and hearts please consider adopting one. 

Momma Kat has especially touched our hearts. That's her with the white nose, chest and paw tips with one of her kittens. Mom Kat was a very courageous Mother you can read all about her devotion to her kittens here.

She needs to find a home now so we hope you will spread the word and help with #mommakatssearch



Summer said...

I am participating in Remember Me Thursday too. I think it's so important to give voice to those who have been searching for homes for the longest time.

Unknown said...

Such good works you do! Merci for all of your help with abandoned animals. I was one. And I'm so, so glad I found mama and papa when it seemed hopeless.

Alastriona, The Cats and Dogs said...

Thank you Summer and Suzanne. ~ATCAD

Katie Isabella said...

Truly an outstanding, warm and very loving blog in honor of all the fur babies waiting and those who have found their family.

Mariodacat said...

It is my hope that all the shelter animals will get adopted. We just need to keep spreading the word. Beautiful post.

Momma Kat and Her Bear Cat (Katherine Kern) said...

Loved to learn more about TCAD :)

Anonymous said...

Rescue rocks. OMGoodness - Fenris! You started out gorgeous and grew up even more gorgeous!

Love and licks,

da tabbies o trout towne said...

guys....havin come frum de streets and havin been ina shelterz, we all noe how veree for chew net we iz ta haza place ta call home ~~~~~~ ♥♥♥

Lola The Rescued Cat said...

We're participating in this special day as well. We loved seeing all the baby pictures.

Millie and Walter said...

What a great post. You all are so lucky to have found the perfect home for you.

The Island Cats said...

We are purring for all those animals in shelters waiting for their forever homes.

pilch92 said...

Excellent post, I wish all pets were so lucky to have such a great home.

Savannah's Paw Tracks said...

APAWS APAWS!!! You are a most awesome rescue furramily. Paw pats for the shout outs for my interview with the lovely brave Tuiren. And for Momma Kat whose search continues. A new update about he special Hope Chest...and each kitten will have a small one too!!!

Meezer's Mews & Terrieristical Woofs said...

Rescue is a great way to help and love furs that need homes. Hope MommaKat finds her home soon:)