Totally Relaxed Tuesday with Yang

Mommy laughs at me. She doesn't understand why I has to hold my legs down with my tail sometimes.

Here I am relaxing on the bed with my sister Yinny, we still sleep together a lot.

But sometimes I like to have the bed to myself.

The chair is pretty comfortable but it was sort of crowded.

Mommy instead of taking my picture maybe you should come snuggle with me.

What do you mean I have to get up so you can make the bed. I don't like that idea at all. ~Yang relaxing for ATCAD


Summer said...

If a kitty's on the bed, that means it does not have to be made! That is a Cat Rule!

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

We hold our legs with our tails too. Or are our legs keeping our tails in place? With Ayla, her tail definitely holds her legs. Wit Marley, his tail keeps moving unless TBT or his lage hold it.

ME? I'm not sayin ~ IZA

Momma Kat and Her Bear Cat (Katherine Kern) said...

Oh, to be that handsome even when one's relaxing ...

Alastriona, The Cats and Dogs said...

Thanks you. ~Yang

Alastriona, The Cats and Dogs said...

Good point Iza, Scylla and Chimera definitely have to hold their tails down, they are always whipping around. ~Yang

Alastriona, The Cats and Dogs said...

Mommy isn't very good at following rules. We tried to explain this one to her, but she just doesn't seem to get it.~Yang

Andrea and the Celestial Kitties said...

Make the bed.. what is this cat disturbing thing you speak of? Can't be done, sorry. Cat comfort MUST come first!

Anonymous said...

I think it's a good idea to hold your legs still with your tail, Y. It will keep you from accidentally zooming all over the house!

Love and licks,

Hannah and Lucy said...

Hannah always sleeps on Mum but Lucy prefers to sleep in her own little bed which Andrea made for us.

Katie Isabella said...

my mommy says the same THING! Get up...have to make the bed!

The Island Cats said...

Yang, you look like you could relax anywhere.

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

Group snuggles are the best!

The Chans

Jenna said...

Beds are supposed to be left unmade for us kitties! There is nothing special about a smooth bed :(

Three Chatty Cats said...

Make the bed? But you look so comfy cozy on that bed!

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

No need to make that bed, aren't you just going to mess it up again for some more great relaxation?

Woos - Lightning

Hailey and Zaphod and their Lady said...

Looks like you are hugging yourself!

Millie and Walter said...

Our pawrents make us get off the bed so they can make it too. You sure look like you are having a good time hanging out on the bed.

Cat and DOG Chat With Caren said...

Hope your Mom gave in and started snuggling with you catchatwithcarenandcody

pilch92 said...

You are a cutie.

Alastriona, The Cats and Dogs said...

Yes, you may. And thank you so much for asking.

Unknown said...

Thank you so very much for giving permission. Aside from the All category and the slideshow on the home page, you can see your header under Pets and the United States.

P.S.: I hope all going well for you-all down there. If you didn't get the message before, my wife feels real bad about not being able to visit here more because of very poor health. In someways she s dong better now, but she still stays off of the computer most of the time.

Alastriona, The Cats and Dogs said...

Glad to hear your wife is doing better in someways. I am having to spend less time in front of the computer (nothing serious just a back ache) myself and have been unable to comment on as many blogs as I would like. I use my smart phone to read blogs, but I haven't mastered being able to comment from it. We are all doing well, although I seem to spend the majority of my time feeding and picking up after cats now that we have 5.

Meezer's Mews & Terrieristical Woofs said...

We think we need to gain access to our peeps' bed so we can relax the way you do Yang!! They have all the bedrooms off limits...sigh...but we do get the couches...and only us are allowed there, 'cause dog-guy is barricaded from those, MOL!