CatMouse Eve Art

We thought we would share some of the things we have been coloring on Mommy's phone using an app called Recolor.

Mommy says this represents Chimera.

This fellow reminds us of Fenris.

This looks sort of like Tuiren.

As you can see today's artwork is a collection of artistically rendered cats, dogs and fantasy people. ~ATCAD

We wanted to share the lovely email cards we got from our friends. We loved them all and we want to thank all of you who sent us cards in the mail. We appreciated each and everyone of them and we are Saving Our Stamps for Walter and Millie's project


pilch92 said...

Very cool art. Merry Christmas!

Millie and Walter said...

We love the art and all your cards. Merry Christmas!

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Oh, how beautiful is all that art!!!

Merry Christmas to all of you from all of us.

Jingle Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Mom Kathie

Little Miss Titch said...

How Beautiful,merry Christmas to you all,xx Speedy

Athena Cat Goddess Wise Kitty said...

Those are amazing!

Merry Christmas
Purrs xx
Athena and Marie

The Swiss Cats said...

Nice art ! Those are lovely cards. Purrs

Summer said...

These are very cool!

Cathy Keisha said...

I hope TW doesn't expect me to let her post her coloring on my blog. Your human did a good job. Merry Christmas.

Mr Puddy said...

Pawsome art !

I hope you & your fameowly have a fantastic time
✽ ❄ 🎄 Meowy Christmas 🎄 ❄ ✽

Peaches and Paprika said...

Wow what an inventive collection! Just love cat coloring art. Also enjoyed your slideshow of the cards. Some were there I hadn't seen and that was fun!

Meezer's Mews & Terrieristical Woofs said...

What great coloring you have done! And a whole lot of pretty cards you have too:)