Thankful Thursday in the Garden

 Our Hummer was still here the first week in November. We haven't seen him for awhile so we think he finally migrated.

 This one is really pushy and comes right on the porch to tell Mommy to fill the feeders up.

 I guess we will be collecting the feeders and bringing them in the house soon.

 Our Hummers may be gone but we still have birds for your viewing pleasure.

 This one is rather shy so Mommy has to use the zoom lens to get his picture.

 We thinks it is a Blue Heron.

 (Sigh) Mommy turned the picture black and white.

 Finally we have color again.

We are thankful for all the abundant wildlife, that can be found on our property. We enjoy watching the birds, squirrels and rabbits. ~ATCAD


The Island Cats said...

Our hummers have been gone for a while now. We wonder if that one on your feeder was one that was up here earlier. ;)

Brian's Home Blog said...

Such a fun bunch of neighbors at your place! Thanks for joining the Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

da tabbies o trout towne said...


seer ee iz lee guyz ... bee grae full de small burd left N hope de big one doez soon ~~~ ☺☺☺♥♥♥

Millie and Walter said...

That big bird is a Great Blue Heron. How cool that you have him in your yard. We bet he likes fishing in your pond.

Noodle Cat said...

That is such a great yard.
You have wildlife walking through at any given moment...

Noodle and crew

pilch92 said...

Our hummers left months ago.

Momma Kat and Her Bear Cat (Katherine Kern) said...

What an amazing visitor! And a gorgeous garden.

Unknown said...

Boy, is that one tall baby! Think I would keep my distance from him/her...

Meezer's Mews & Terrieristical Woofs said...

Those great blue herons sure re shy birds aren't they? But they are magnificent to watch strutting through marshy areas to hunt for fishies and froggies...
Our hummers left several weeks ago...good thing cause we are having a lot of snow today.