Mommy added some snapdragons to our all year container.
We took so many pictures of wildflowers in October we didn't have a chance to show them all to you, so we thought we would share some of them now.
Woodland Aster / (Eurybia divaricata)
We aren't sure what this lovely purple flower is, but it grows wild on the back side of the property.
Butterflyweed, sadly Mommy bought this before she knew about native and non native, this is not a native Butterflyweed. But it does come back every year.
Nice flowers are nice flowers. And we hope the butterflies like the butterfly weed even iffen it is not native.
Would love to meander in your garden...
They do, but it seems to be something about it's bloom time that isn't good for the butterflies. We can't remember off the top of our heads. Funny thing is, it comes back year after year while the native butterfly weed we found usually doesn't.
Feel free to come meander anytime you like.
Such pretty flowers to warm our snow covered December.
So pretty tp see flowers like yours in the midst of wintertime:)
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