I enjoy sleeping with my siblings. Mommy and Daddy's bed is the best spot if you want to spread out.
This is the classic U configuration. Chimera and Yang are pretty sound sleepers. I have to stand guard to make sure a monster doesn't attack while we are sleeping.
I always sleep with one eye open and ready to flee. This is the straight line formation although Yinny got a little out of line. Yin is also touching Chimera so I will have to subtract points for that too.
The couch is good for cuddling especially with the heating pad on it. Chimera and I are snuggling. Chimera missed me a great deal when I was at the vet getting my dental x-ray.
Yin is a good snuggle buddy too and she listens to me.
She is a very well behaved cat unlike the other 3. Her behavior at the veterinarian's office doesn't count. ~Socks, reporting for ATCAD
How were you teeth, you poor little thing? I think I have to have mine looked at, too. But I have so few!!!
Socks, you are very particular about how everybody arranges themselves on the bed!
I am suffering from feline tooth resorption.
It's good to vary the sleep configuration. Otherwise napping for 23 hours a day could get stale.
Love and licks,
What happens at the vet should stay at the vet.
We hope you can get some rest with all the others around, Socks.
Very nice demo of sleep patterns
I love how you all snuggle on the bed together! catchatwithcarenandcody
You all have the best snuggle spots!
socks...dood....we iz crackin up !!! yur guardin de houz, but yur all sew... reddy ta flee !!! ☺☺☺ grate ta see ya buddy...hope all iz well ♥♥♥
Nice to see you Socks, heating pads are great places to nap.
Nice report Socks.
You look comfy with the other kitties,especially Yin :)
Guess she does not like the Vet ;) MOL!
Sorry to hear about your teeth.
Purrs Georgia,Julie and JJ
You are a great big brother, Socks. I can tell you're popular for sleepy time cuddles :)
We hope all that good sleep in desirable snuggle spots and arrangements will help your mouth feel better...well we *can* hope...and we sure do hope something can be done to really help:) Purrs and POTP!
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