Okay, Okay I'll do Scylla Sunday. Chimera volunteered to help me. And Yang is making sure his fans see him no matter how hard we try to keep him out of our pictures. The boy is an awful photo hog.
Chimera and I are demonstrating the importance of beauty sleep. Jeez did Mom really snap a photo revealing all my private spots.
I am so embarrassed. I can't possibly show my face in a selfie. ~Scylla, being modest for ATCAD
You need to keep your human away from the camera sometimes, Scylla!
I have never seen a cat sleep like that before! That's incredible! Nothing to be ashamed of Scylla, you're a beautiful girl and that belly is so tempting!
Moms love "accidentally" taking pictures of our bits and pieces. My mom does it all the time. #embarrassing
Love and licks,
It's OK Scylla, the camera cut off the "important bits" ;)
It is nice to see you girls snuggling :)
Purrs Georgia,Julie and JJ
O Mi Cod, we are so enjoying your uninhibited sleepy photos! MOL!!!
Oh Scylla your belly is so gloriously fluffy we can't see any of your "parts". You all do look very snuggly today.
Cuddle time is a good time for selfies
Have a wonderful day!
Giggling over you and Chimera having your beauty rest in tandem. I wish I was as co fidget amd accepting as you Scylla. I suspect I would find Sage is a nice nap partner
Oh my, Scylla, legs akimbo and floofy tummy bits exposed, no wonder you can't bear to look. I hope peep gaves you extra treats for the embarrassment. purrs ERin
I think someone has showing the wrong side for a Selfie...MOL :D Pawkisses for an Easy Sunday :) <3
Don't be embarrassed, you have such a lovely floofy tummy that we don't see anything. Have an Easy Sunday ! Purrs
Your blog is looking so very pretty for your Sunday post, Scylla!!! Please don't hide, show us that beautiful face.
Woos - Lightning and Misty
Beins dont have anny regard fer our privacy! Well, OK, normally, neither do we, but still...
We looked away and saw nothing.
We were mesmerized by your floofy tummy and didn't notice anything else.
The Florida Furkids
Privates on the internets! The horror! Momma better bribe you with bacon to help you forget your disgrace.
Jean from Welcome to the Menagerie
Yu are relaxed and safe and comfortable. You shouldn't care about Mom's pictures! You are a lovely cat:-)
We are late doing the Sunday Selfie but we are here!
The Dash Kitten Crew
We see lots of aahhhh there and we heard some squee's from petcretary!! Hope your nap was refreshing!
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