Hi everybody we are glad you could stop by. We miss all of you and we are going to try to make Mommy do better with visiting our friends. We are glad March is over. While some good stuff happened in March, it also makes Mommy very sad. She lost Whiskers in March and then 10 years later we lost Socks. Mommy says that when they were alive they were very close after Socks came to live here
So she is sure Whiskers welcomed Socks with open paws when he arrived at the Rainbow Bridge. She is still very sad that both her boys are gone though.
March is also a very busy time for the Mom, there are flowerbeds to weed, once she thinks it is safe plants to haul out of the greenhouse and trees, shrubs, fruit and veggies to plant.
Mommy has often wanted to get a picture of me and Tuiren together and she finally scored, too bad she only had the phone and not the real camera. She says we are too far apart too, but hey you can't have everything at least we were looking in the same direction. Profile picture.
Face forward, ~Fenris, reporting for ATCAD
I hope April is a good month at your house!
Thank you Summer.
I LOVE those shots of the two of you. Far apart or not, you're both looking adorable.
Love and licks,
Hope ya have a good April!
Sending your Mama (((hugs))) and hoping April is much, much better! DakotasDen
We're sorry we never met Whiskers ... but we miss Socks. He was truly one-of-a-kind and it was obvious how much he loved his siblings. We love the picture of Tuiren and Fenris together.
Great shot of you two, even far apart. We wish April is much better ! Purrs
You're looking good Fenris and of course we were happy to see Tuiren too. You two are smart and staying in the shade.
We sure hope April is a much better month for you all!!
April has started here for us with bright sunshine...whilst March was quite gloomy a lot of the days...so we think its a good sign that it should be a much nicer month.
Sending purrs wiggly wags and hugs.
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