The electric blanket is a good place to snuggle on cool days.
I am sharing the bed with Socks. Us mancats have to stick together.
I protect him while he sleeps.
When I was a wee kitten he looked out for me.
Now that I am a big handsome mancat I look out for him.
He is very old, 16, and very wise.
You can learn a lot listening to your elders.
You can also learn a lot of stuff by observing them. Just look at the neat yoga positions Socks gets into to sleep. ~Yang reporting for ATCAD with Socks
That is such a funny and darling kitty, and SIXTEEN? How lucky you are. Really darling blog today.
That is very sweet of you, looking out for Socks, Yang.
You are a pawsome brother Yang.
Socks taught you well.
Purrs Georgia,Julie and JJ
Yang it's nice that you are watching out for Socks...he needs someone to keep him company as he's not well - we send him POTP and prayers every single day. Keep a close eye on him OK?
Love, Angel Sam and Ted
Oh wonderful...a warm electric blankie!
Loves and licky kisses
Princess Leah xxx
We're glad you are looking out for Socks, Yang. We send him a ton of purrs.
Yang, you are a good little (younger) brother to watch over sweet Socks.
We hope you two sleep together often. You look very handsome together!
yang...itz total lee awesum ewe iz lookin out for yur big brother socks !!!! we noe him apurreciatez it az well... socks...dood....we hope ya iz doin aye oh kay buddy ~~~~ ♥♥♥
You are such a good brofur, Yang ... Socks must've done a great job demonstrating how! And you two are adorable snuggling on the bed.
Yang, that is so very kind of you to be so nice to Socks.
Woos - Lightning and Misty
What a good brofur, Yang. Apparently you learned much from Socks !
I am glad you are so sweet to Socks, he is a good brother.
That's so sweet of you to keep an eye on Socks. We hope he is doing well. We do have to laugh a little about you having an electric blanket. We don't have one here and it gets lots colder. BOL!
What a couple of handsome Mancats!!
Dory, Jakey, Arty & Bilbo
It's sweet of you to watch over Socks!
The Florida Furkids
You're a good brudder lookin out for your older sibling. We can tell you were taught well. Both of you are very beautiful kitty's and we loved your piccy's.
Molly and my Mom @The Fast and The Furriest
You are so kind, Yang to be looking after Socks, now that you are grown up. That is true brotherly love!
We are purring for Socks, and we are purring for all of you, actually
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