Tuiren Tuesday - Hanging Out With Yin

 Good morning everyone, Sorry I seemed to have over slept. During the summer I sleep outside on the porch instead of in my dog house. Fenris is really attached to sleeping in the house so I have my choice of dog beds.

 As soon as the sun is up Yin is meowing to come join me on the porch. Mommy usually lets her as Yin is a GOOD CAT and stays inside the fence, the others are BAD CATS and escape, so they do not get to come out unsupervised.  Yin enjoys sitting on the picnic table, I like laying under it.

 Yin likes sitting in the swing, I like sitting on the rug beside it.

 We have very pleasant conversations.  Yin is a very easy cat to get along with she has an even temper. Mommy says if the veterinarian and veterinarian techs are reading this they are LOL, I am sure I don't know why. Yin is the sweetest cat we have now that Socks is gone and the easiest to put the heartworm preventive on.

 And she loves Mom and spends a lot of time with her, Although I have to agree she doesn't care much for people outside our family. She is a ONE family cat.

To know Yinny is to love her and I am very glad I have her for a sister. ~Tuiren, reporting for ATCAD


Mickey's Musings said...

Yin is a very pretty kitty and we are happy she is such a sweetie and gets along so well with you Tuiren :)
Purrs Georgia,Julie and JJ

Loulou said...

You have a yen for Yin, that's clear.

Summer said...

Yin is such a sweetheart. Even if the vet techs don't agree. ;-)

Eastside Cats said...

What a pleasant post about Yin, Tuien!

Cat and DOG Chat With Caren said...

oh Tuiren what a sweet woofie you are writing this about Yinny. Yinny reminds me of my Angel Bobo, he only liked his family and no one else!

Millie and Walter said...

It sounds like you and Yin really enjoy each other's company.

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

You are so nice to speak so well of Yin, Tuiren. We think it would be nice to sleep outside at night, but Mom makes us come inside.

Woos - Lightning and Misty

The Island Cats said...

Those are some nice things you said about Yin, Tuiren. You must really like her.

Sweet Purrfections said...

We think it's wonderful Yin is a good kitty and doesn't try to escape.

smoki2 said...

Yin is a good kitty, but somehow, she bogarted the whole blog post, T. Next week, you should elbow her out of the way and get some more pictures of YOU taken.

Love and licks,

LBJ said...

Enjoy that sunshine. Yes, that is indeed a fine cat.

Abby Lab

Meezer's Mews & Terrieristical Woofs said...

You seem to be in a love relationship with your kitty sisfur! But its a good boy brotherly love:)

Olka said...

what a cute puppy!
And I really like your bench - if I'll ever live in home with a garden I'll make bench like this which will be also a swing! :)