Do you ever get the Wiggles????
Mommy says I has ants in my pants
Silly Mommy, I don't wear pants.
But sometimes I just can't be still.
Mommy finally said it was warm enough to go outside. I am going to say Hi to Fenris and Tuiren before I go over the fence.
Most of you know we planted some raspberries this year, we got some fruit off of them but we don't think the plants are going to survive. Oh well we can always replace them with blueberries.They didn't seem to like all the rain we got this summer.
The blueberries on the other hand are thriving and it is nice to get the fruit out of the freezer in the winter for cereal, pancakes and other yummy treats.
Since this is Sunday I hope this works as a selfie and that you don't mind seeing it again. ~Chimera, reporting for ATCAD
PeeS: some of you said that maybe Tuiren likes to sleep outside because she is a hunting dog and we think you may be on to something on cool nights not cold. Fenris refuses to come in then and we can hear them chasing stuffs. No barking as Fenris has FINALLY taught Tuiren not to bark and wake the humans up, just lots of running. But when it's COLD out that isn't the case as Tuiren is SMART ENOUGH to burrow into the back of the doghouse and Fenris sleeps inside. We haven't got a clue why Tui doesn't want to come in when it's really cold and sometimes she is shivering and it makes us all feel bad that she won't come in where it is warm. Mommy has to drag her inside. ~Chi
I get ants in my britches too! 'Cause I do have britches, or at least that's what my fluffy pantaloons are called sometimes!
You don't have pants * I don't see ants.
Merry Christmas & Happy Holly Daze!
I think dragging Tuiren inside is a good idea when it's too cold outside. Moms always know best, even though that's tough for us single-minded doggies to understand sometimes.
Love and licks,
Them raspberries sure can be fickle. Still, to get any and blueberries too is way better than I achieved. Now that selfie Christmas card is a true delight and well worth a second showing and no mistake.
Toodle pips
Arty also gets ants in his pants, Chimera!! Beautiful selfie today!!
Jakey, Arty & Rosy
Walter gets ants in his pants and likes to roach on the bed just before our pawrents make it in the morning. You are looking good today Chimera but please don't go over the fence.
We don't wear pants, but we sometimes get ants in our pants too ! Beautiful selfie, Chimera ! Purrs
You are one very pretty Not Scylla other Calico, Chimera!!! Tell Scylla we said hello.
Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber
We are glad your peeps make her come in if she is too cold.
Stay warm.
Pierre always has ants in his pants too! It never gets really cold here but the boys love to go lay in the sin and chase squirrels during the day. They prefer their beds or ours, in Pierre's case, to sleep.
If you stay inside, you won't get ants in your pants :)
If you want your Mommy to see a fur with ant in the pants, tell her to come and see Dalton for a while, MOL!!! Our pups don't even like to be outside at all when its cold...sometimes petcretary has to *make* them go out for privacy pawlease.
Pipo can get all cuckoo and 'antsy' too sometimes. Zoomies is what that is called...
We roll around in dirt a lot, but not on ants.
TBT saw your comment about Nandina and thanks you all . Now he is in a real quandry. They arent invasive around here, they are hardy evergreens, and they are lovely in Winter. But we don't want to kill birds or accidently chew on one ourselfs. He is looking for some alternative plant.
He found a list of BAD plants so long that he wonders how any animals survive...
I think its just you having fun Chi,xx Speedy
You look adorable!
Purrs xx
Athena and Marie
Chimera you did make us laugh with your wiggles!!!!
Your card is an exceptional one and so beautiful. Well done.
Happy Sunday Selfie
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