Fenris Friday

 I am glad the Canadian Geese come back every year. The first day they come back there is usually like a hundred of them. But the majority of them leave and just my Geese stay.

 This is the Mom, Dad and Goslings from last year. The Goslings are all grown up and will leave when Mrs Goose decides it is time to lay eggs. She has a nest on the island in the middle of our pond.

 There are a lot of good smells up here.

 Daddy built a compost bin and you never know what you will smell in the burn pile.

 This is a view of the back side of our property.

 I was running so fast the camera made me blur so Mommy turned it into a pencil sketch.

 This photo on the other hand turned out perfect the trees are sort of blurry but I am not. Mommy calls the photograph Motion.

Guess it is time to head back to the house now. ~Fenris, reporting for ATCAD


Unknown said...

Well, this is a test. Can you get comments now?

Kinley Westie said...

Those geese shure look like dey would be fun to chase!

Alastriona, The Cats and Dogs said...

Yes, I got your comment. Thank you.

Millie and Walter said...

We enjoyed exploring your yard with you Fenris. You sure look like you were having fun.

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

We have 40 - 50 Canada Geese living on the marshes below us all year round, but around November they fly in in huge flocks and stay until the Spring.
It looks like you were having a lot of fun running around in your yard, Fenris.

Eastside Cats said...

Fenris, you appear to be having a terrific time! Wish we had a compost bin; maybe I can talk The Hubby into it after the bathrooms are done?!? LOL!

Crystal And Daisy Mae said...

I enjoy seeing what Fenris will explore next. Did you stop Flower Friday or did I miss that post yesterday?

Alastriona, The Cats and Dogs said...

We generally do our Flower post on Thursdays. Years ago our dear friend Jonsie started The Society of Feline Gardeners and we posted on Thursday. Sadly after Jonsie died the society fell apart, but we kept posting on Thursday, except on the rare occasions when Mom doesn't have any Fenris pictures for Fenris Friday. So look on Thursday if there are no flowers on Friday.

M. K. Clinton said...

That is so cool that your geese come back each year! Your land is beautiful and of course, Fenris is awesome. ♥

jank1961 said...

What a lovely yard you have, with so much to see and do! We are jealous of your pond; that is one thing we have always wanted that our property doesn't have.
Jan & the crew at Wag 'n Woof Pets