Flowers on Friday

 The Mother of Millions, it's easy to see how it got it's name it reseeds itself without any trouble. I like it when it blooms.

 These flowers are purrty too.  The peach colored one is an Abutilon. I can't remember what the red one is right now.

 When the weather isn't nice I like to sit in the window and watch outside.

 I do not like to go out when the ground is wet.

 I do NOT like my paws to get wet.

Mommy thought I would look nice as a pencil sketch sitting in the window. ~Chimera, reporting for ATCAD


Duke said...

Those are very interesting flowers and so pretty!

Eastside Cats said...

Chimera, such a yawn! When it's summertime, I walk around outside in my bare feet, and I don't care if it's wet or dry, but I hate stepping on rocks or twigs. Or The PO'M (see my post today!)

My Mind's Eye said...

Well done have lovely flowers
Hugs Madi and mom

Millie and Walter said...

Those are interesting flowers you have. You are smart to stay inside when the weather is bad. We don't like being out in the rain either.

The Adventures of the LLB Gang said...

You always look so pretty Chimera!! What pretty flowers today, that Mother of Millions is really interesting...and pretty too!!

Jan K said...

Your Mom was right, you look very nice as a pencil sketch! Wet paws are no fun for anyone. :)