Thankful Thursday in the February Garden

Oh, you want to see flowers. That means I have to leave my nice warm nest and go outside.

But I'll do anything to please you.

Hi Chimera, you want to wake up and come with us. I guess not.

We can start with the purrty roses Mommy got for her birthday.

As you can see Spring comes early in South Mississippi. The forsythia is already starting to bloom and it's only February 9th.

We love it's cheerful little blooms.

And our surviving apple tree is blooming, we bought two one died but the other survived and even made apples for us.They were nice and red.

Daddy was out of town on Mommy's birthday, he is gone a lot but Mommy went to the Arbor Day give away and got lots of trees for him to plant when he came home. She got Sassafras, Grancy Graybeard, a type of Chestnut that is native to Mississippi, Crabapple, and some other plants we can't remember the name of. After her and youngest boy potted them Youngest took her out to eat. All and all we think she had a nice day. We know we enjoyed the snuggling part that evening.

We are very thankful for our surviving apple and pear trees, our blueberry bushes, our strawberry plants, and for our Daddy who takes such wonderful care of our yard. ~ATCAD


Lone Star Cats said...

Snuggling are da best!

Julie said...

You do have the most wonderful colourful garden
Loves and licky kisses
Princess Leah xxx

Brian's Home Blog said...

You sure look terrific and your wonderful garden always is purrect! Thanks for joining the Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

Cupcake said...

A birthday does need gifts, food, and cuddles. Sounds like your mama had it right. Happy Birthday to her.

Love and licks,

Millie and Walter said...

Your mom got some pretty roses on her birthday. It was nice of Youngest Boy to take her out to dinner on her special day.

Eastside Cats said...

Once I figured out that The Hubby wasn't going to go overboard on my birthday, I started utilizing the entire month as 'treat me like a princess' time, and it's worked since then! And, I do the same for him, but he cares nothing for birthdays. I'd love an apple tree in the yard!

Bob Barber said...

Nice pictures. I didn't know there was forsythia in Mississippi. Learn something new every day!

da tabbies o trout towne said... treez is total lee awesum....N we hope this fall
mom will make sum PIEZ !!! ;) ☺☺♥♥

pilch92 said...

Wonderful thankfuls and great photos.

M Dawson said...

Did I tell you I LOVE your header?!?!? I do

and we love your pictures too. Such a delight!

Marjorie and the Dash Kitten Crew