Mewsings On Monday (Flowers)

 This is an evergreen Wisteria. it doesn't look anything like we think of Wisteria, but it's very nice. All of it's blooms were way up on the roof of the Hummingbird Cottage though. We barely noticed them.

 We like that it stays green all year.

Mommy brightened the picture so you could see it better. ~ATCAD


Duke said...

We didn't know that an evergreen Wisteria existed. How beautiful! Does it smell as sweet?

Brian's Home Blog said...

Those sure are pretty and bright!

Eastside Cats said...

We were in London when the wisteria was particularly spectacular! Gorgeous!

The Swiss Cats said...

Beautiful ! We didn't know wisterias could be evergreen. Purrs

pam said...

I had no idea that there was an evergreen wisteria!

Millie and Walter said...

Around here we really like having evergreen plants in the yard. Otherwise it would just be brown bare wood.

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

Plants and vines and stuff that stay green all Winter are so nice. We have a few holly trees, Nandina, Euonymus, and English Ivy that stay nice and green. Some have red berries, some have pretty leaves. It is nice to look out the windows and see those when the colds are here.

Jan K said...

That is so pretty!

Meezer's Mews & Terrieristical Woofs said...

Absolutely lovely when its all brown and dull here:)

There are some trees here that still have leaves on them but they are all brown and dead...though in the spring I think the new buds push through those dead leaves. Not sure what kind of trees they are though. Not ordinary maple, oak or otherwise common trees.

Olka said...

Greening plant in December!! <3 Oh God, please share some piece of this sun with me :D