Mademoiselle and Bird Monday

 When I get behind this curtain nobody can see me.

 On the other hand the hat box leaves me totally exposed but it's a good perch.

 I especially like it for bathing.

 Oh bother Mommy is taking pictures again.

 Well I am NOT going to let her interrupt my bath time.

 This Great Blue Heron was down at our pond. While Mommy didn't see him Saturday when she was doing the bird count at the Pascagoula River Audubon Center she did see a Little Blue Heron,  it's a lot smaller. She also saw 3 Snowy Egrets and a Great Egret.

 We enjoy bird watching. Mom said the highlight of Saturday was seeing the Great Horned Owl Mom and one of the owlets.

Our Great Blue Heron is very shy, Mommy had to take these pictures from a long way away. When she tries to get close the heron flies away, although Mom thinks it has a nest nearby.

 We did an arty picture of the heron for you. ~Chimera, reporting for ATCAD

PeeS: Other birds Mommy saw Saturday were Red Winged Blackbirds, Red Bellied Woodpecker (the boys used to call them Halloween Birds), Tufted Titmouse, Blue Jay, American Goldfinch, White Throated Sparrow, Orange Crowned Warbler, Northern Cardinals, and  Swamp Sparrows.


Dandy Duke said...

How exciting to see mama owl and her babies! We love your heron artwork!

Mickey's Musings said...

Behind the curtain sounds like a good hiding spot especially from the camera ;)
That heron is pawsome!!!
Purrs Georgia,Julie and JJ

Millie and Walter said...

You are looking great after your grooming session Chimera.

How cool to have a heron at your pond. We won't see any of those guys around here for a couple of months. The herons like to nest high in dead trees and often will nest in groups. We discovered a new rookery near our house last year where there were 6 nests. Unfortunately it's on a busy road so it isn't easy to stop and watch them.

Sandee said...

Grooming is such an important thing to do each day.

We watch all the birds at our marina. We love to watch them fish. They are ever so patient.

Have a purrfect day and week. My best to your peeps. ♥

Eastside Cats said...

At our nearby park, the nature center has all kinds of bird visitors, but every year there is a Great Horned Owl family, and I look forward to visiting and cooing over the new owlets!

Summer said...

I didn't know humans like to bird watch too!

Jan K said...

What a cool bunch of birds your Mom saw! We love to bird watch, and herons are definitely a favorite. We used to see their nests way up high in trees when we took our kayaks out onto a local pond.

Just Mags said...

Good job finishing your bath with that camera clicking. We love birds and we enjoy watching them. We don't live where we get to see herons though so we are glad you shared the photos so we could see some. How cool that you saw the owl and owlet. We have never seen an owl in real life but we know we have them here. Keep enjoying the birds. Hugs and nose kisses

pilch92 said...

That was a good spot for you. Too bad you can't keep using it.

Cupcake said...

I think it's great that you AND your mom are both bird watchers. I'm more of a pizza watcher than a bird watcher..... Just sayin'.

Love and licks,