Nature Friday with Mr Yang and Miss Chimera

 We thought you would like to see what our yard looked like in November, as you can see our grass is still mostly green. We have a few trees whose leaves change color like the cypress but most of our trees are evergreens.

 And some of our shrubs even bloom in the Fall/Winter like the Camellia.

 We got a lot of rain so the drainage ditch became a mini creek.

 I like going outside.

 And I love to explore. ~Mr Yang, reporting for ATCAD

 I on the other hand prefer to spend my days inside curled up under Mommy's housecoat when it is cold out.

 Mommy says that those of you up North would laugh at our idea of cold.

And that if I wasn't a Southern Kitty I would never set paw outdoors. ~Miss Chimera, reporting for ATCAD


Eastside Cats said...

Oh no, we Northerners don't laugh at you Southerners; we just wish we were living where you are!

Millie and Walter said...

We disagree with the Eastside Cats. We do laugh a little at what you think is cold but we are also just a bit jealous of how warm (our version of warm) your winters are compared to ours. It's fun to spend time outside no matter what the weather but we are always thankful for a warm house in the winter and a cool one in the summer after we have our fun.

Duke said...

Mom loves the camellias and wishes that we could grow them here.

Sandee said...

Beautiful nature shots and even better kitty pictures.

Have a purrfect day and weekend. My best to your peeps. ♥

Summer said...

Being a southern California kitty, I'm right there with you, Chimera!

Mickey's Musings said...

Your yard is looking very nice Mr Yang!!
Ours still has a lot of brown in it ;)
Miss Chimera, we do not mind being indoor cats at all.
That way we are always warm :)
Purrs Georgia,Julie and JJ

The Adventures of the LLB Gang said...

We also like our outdoor plants that bloom in the fall, and snuggling under the covers(we do that all year round)!!
Rosy, Jakey & Arty

pilch92 said...

Thank you for the tour :)

Jan k said...

Our Luke was born in the South, and even after 5 years in New England, he is still not a fan of the cold! :)