Mandog Monday

For those of you who want to see how the porch table turned out click here. In May the Hummingbird Cottage was a mass of roses. These roses only bloom in the Spring, we have some more that bloom Spring , Summer and Fall.

 Some of the Coral Honeysuckle and Gold Flame Honeysuckle were blooming too.

 I can't remember the name of this  flower, I asked Mom but she couldn't remember either.

 G-Man  came for a visit but the poor little one had an ear ache. I tried to assure him, he would feel better soon.

 This is a picture of Mommy with her first dog Sir Lass, he was a Border Collie and full of energy.

It was sort of blurry so Mom worked her magic in Photoshop. ~Fenris, reporting for ATCAD


Eastside Cats said...

Poor baby; an earache! No fun!
I have only a handful of pics of Angel and Chuck when they were babies (we adopted them at 6 weeks, which I now know was too young...) because we didn't have a camera. I borrowed my office camera a few times, so the few shots from that are very precious.

Millie and Walter said...

Your roses are so pretty. We're sorry to hear the little one wasn't feeling well. Your new header is quite spooky.

Summer at said...

That was a great photoshop save!

Sandee said...

My son had earaches all the time when he was little. He was so miserable.

That's one big pup.

Have a fabulous day and week. ♥

Terri said...

I'm always jealous of people with garden flowers the whole growing season.

Who would have thought one day your childhood picture could be so much improved with a little tweaking in PhotoShop? I have a few pictures I ought to work on, too.

Your flower is an agapanthus, also known as lily-of-the nile.

jank1961 said...

Wow, your Mom did a great job with that old photo!!
Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets